
\̅_̅/̷̚ʾ Thirsty Thursday \̅_̅/̷̚ʾ


free wieners
Woot. I was just warming up the work vehicle when I got a text that my first and last runs of the day are canceled. So no driving 140 miles (2 round trips), My first run is here in town at 10:15 and I get off work by 2pm having done only 3 transports....WINNER

I think more espresso which shall be sipped at my leisure is called for.
Hold your pinky out....


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

Took the day off because I'm lazy. Have all next week off because they closed the office and kicked us out. Snow is forecast Sunday to Wednesday, so it will either be awesome, or kinda meh. We shall see.

Moar coffee.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Meeting in the middle of the day then off until the 3rd. Good news: Hannah's not worse beyond being stiff and sore throat. Bad news? Hannah's not any better.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Hello all

Elder kid managed to fall out of bed at 1:30 am so I had a bit of disrupted sleep after that.

seeing Spider Man with wife tonight. Otherwise just lounging about in the half darkness of Seattle


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Winding down the work week - 2 more calls a few emails. Still waiting for responses regarding our PCR tests. Hannah is doing well with keeping her mask on in the house. We barely need to remind her, so we're hoping that this is how she handles herself at school. MIL is delaying getting her test until we get our results. Realistically, she just doesn't want to get her brain swabbed and is using this as her excuse.

Chatted with one of our curmudgeonly old monkeys this morning. Got some good laughs about dealing with stupid people arrogantly and embarrassingly, getting out of their league. Just a reminder - never ask a question you don't already know the answer to or have an answer ready for when/if you realize you asked one you shouldn't have.

Montana rider

Turbo Monkey
Mar 14, 2005
Dadding in Idahoozle

Day 1 of the Snowpacolopse 2.0
[36" in next couple days 5" thus far]

Mr /Mrs Plow has the Covid so I may be hiking in after I drive back and forth for that "Spanish boy's" birthday.

Charcoal (puppy) did well and covered 3x the paltry mileage with 4x the postholing

Snow was perfect...

#tears (elder daughter trying to teach younger brother to HTFU) and beer (SN Torpedo) not pictured...
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Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Are you peeking in my windows? I feel like my kids and I just did this happy dance!!!!

FINALLY on winter break! Had a fun week dressing crazy and playing holiday carols with my kiddos at school....almost felt "normal". REALLY looking forward to having the next week off though. AND, the kids don't know that we are going on vacation for Christmas. Can't wait to see their faces when they open up a box with plane tickets and resort check in info (we are going to Universal Studios...leaving Christmas night and returning New Year's Day).

Came home to a package on the doorstep so me thinks RM SS visited. Time to unbox while I crack open some christmas cheer!