
πππππππ Monday GTM ~~~~~~~


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Back at the office. I have to say my brain was getting a little soggy and it's good to do some challenging stuff at work. Other work on a Monday morning is planning when to ride my bike which during the Danish fall is always is a plan around the rain job.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
I was driving to work feeling shit about driving to work and I saw a driver of a car transport tuck looking at the damaged brand new Range Rovers on his trailer.
Seems the top deck had a mechanical failure and that guy will be having a day that is more shit than mine was, 150km trip for nothing.

Went for a short ride after work and a woman was struggling to hold in her laughter as she looked at my bike and I. What's abnormal about a guy with dirty knees on a pink bike wearing bus driver shorts?


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
A new horror film fest in town has good films. Bought some tickets. The medical scare made me poor this month but still a man needs to have some fun if one can't ride a bike for 4 weeks.

Will be making some pho tomorrow. Need to buy some beef tails today.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Surprise PD day today for my boys. Luckily, workload is light so I can take the day off. also luckily, it's going to go up to 66°F today and be sunny. Will finally get a chance to go for a ride with my oldest boy. I'm very much looking forward to it.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011

At le work.

Only one phone call about a printer being on the wrong network, after the big equipment change yesterday. Calling that a win.

Girlfriend is going to see the smashing pumpkins tonight, which I opted out of, just not a fan. So I get to look after all the animals, including orange cat who is on a crazy feeding/medication schedule - and is still being fed through a feeding tube. Feeding tube actually makes it super easy, just mix up the meds, water, food etc and push it into his neck.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
had a really good weekend for a change. was originally planning on hitting dorney park w/ the kids saturday, however the friday lockdown @ school threw them off; they got home 2 hours late and neither of them slept well (kept waking up). saturday AM we could see both of them were in no shape for an amusement park, so we swapped plans. i wound up heading to the mountains for DH laps, had a great time. felt really good. after the kids napped, wife took them to a playground and a farm for pumpkins. all got home around the same time. grilled some burgers, then put up halloween decorations with the kids. they both slept really well sat night, so sunday we hit dorney park. they had a blast. wasn't crowded, so lines were short (if they existed). wound up being there a bit over 6 hours, decided to call it once it started to rain. kids loved the rides. they even went on a mini roller coast (wild mouse). they liked enough we rode it 3 times. not bad for being 5 and 7.

rain in the forecast, WFH today because woof what a weekend.

Montana rider

Turbo Monkey
Mar 14, 2005
had a really good weekend for a change. was originally planning on hitting dorney park w/ the kids saturday, however the friday lockdown @ school threw them off; they got home 2 hours late and neither of them slept well (kept waking up). saturday AM we could see both of them were in no shape for an amusement park, so we swapped plans. i wound up heading to the mountains for DH laps, had a great time. felt really good. after the kids napped, wife took them to a playground and a farm for pumpkins. all got home around the same time. grilled some burgers, then put up halloween decorations with the kids. they both slept really well sat night, so sunday we hit dorney park. they had a blast. wasn't crowded, so lines were short (if they existed). wound up being there a bit over 6 hours, decided to call it once it started to rain. kids loved the rides. they even went on a mini roller coast (wild mouse). they liked enough we rode it 3 times. not bad for being 5 and 7.

rain in the forecast, WFH today because woof what a weekend.
Why you no Knoebels?

Thought that was a good park for the little ones back in the day...



Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Looks like a crappy couple of days, but then a nice Thursday and Friday, so maybe I will be able to get my once a week cycle commute in.

Had a decent weekend. Took friday off to build bikes and just relax, and it worked. Science museum with little dude on Sunday, soccer all the things on Saturday. Was a good "I'm a dad" weekend, with one bike ride sprinkled in.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Visiting a facility today that is out in the sticks and has enough refrigerated bin storage for 350,000 apple bins. Figure 800lbs per bin so almost 300 million pounds of apples! Gonna be there most of the day.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Visiting a facility today that is out in the sticks and has enough refrigerated bin storage for 350,000 apple bins. Figure 800lbs per bin so almost 300 million pounds of apples! Gonna be there most of the day.
299 million pounds once you've been there eh?


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
hello peoples

drove in + dropped off Baby Aya at preschool since I must do some work and it was fairly chilly


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Really mild today and was able to squeeze in a mtb ride after work. I did start to rain mid ride but I was already muddy so went for the second lap. I rewarded myself with a delicious tiramisu!