So you finally caved and called him an un-shimmed, boost-usin', e-fatbike ridin', Atherton-lovin', rootbeer hatin', isis cube likin', mmike ///motherfucker?
Good show, sir.
Good show, sir.
Shit dick admitted to ignoring emails for the past few days because his project was such a mess. I responded withSo you finally caved and called him an un-shimmed, boost-usin', e-fatbike ridin', Atherton-lovin', rootbeer hatin', isis cube likin', mmike ///motherfucker?
Good show, sir.
Simple addition of "mother"?Shit dick admitted to ignoring emails for the past few days because his project was such a mess. I responded with
"JHMFC, doing nothing is what caused this fucking disaster, continuing to do fuck-all isn't going to fix a fucking thing"
I used fuck way too much, I need to open up my repertoire. Any suggestions?
Bugger.Shit dick admitted to ignoring emails for the past few days because his project was such a mess. I responded with
"JHMFC, doing nothing is what caused this fucking disaster, continuing to do fuck-all isn't going to fix a fucking thing"
I used fuck way too much, I need to open up my repertoire. Any suggestions?
If this work thing doesn't work out for you I might have a position for you in my organization. It would involve some travel. My associates in the Mid Atlantic region have lost their shit and I need to cut the cord ASAP.I have yet to lower myself to direct insults. When it comes to it I feel as though I am well armed. In this case the truth provides all I need. He is first and foremost a fucking coward.
You need me to whack some punks? Although I am not a fan of guns I am a good shot. I am a fan of machetes and am rather skilled in their use.If this work thing doesn't work out for you I might have a position for you in my organization. It would involve some travel. My associates in the Mid Atlantic region have lost their shit and I need to cut the cord ASAP.
Again, the truth provides more hurtful response. A fucking friendless coward.Buggering coward.
If you joined him in the bong shed, it might ease the tension.Again, the truth provides more hurtful response. A fucking friendless coward.
In my corporate experience 3 fucks in the same conversation will result in some very stern Human Resource conversations. Should this happen feel free to use my fail safe plausible denyability back pedal response:"JHMFC, doing nothing is what caused this fucking disaster, continuing to do fuck-all isn't going to fix a fucking thing"
Have you tried "feckless"? One of my favorite go to words when describing a certain pair of managers here. Your buddy seems to fit the definitionAgain, the truth provides more hurtful response. A fucking friendless coward.
Nice! Thank you.Have you tried "feckless"? One of my favorite go to words when describing a certain pair of managers here. Your buddy seems to fit the definition
Different industry. When I dealt with automotive customers 3 fucks wouldn't get you halfway through your first cup of coffee in the morning.In my corporate experience 3 fucks in the same conversation will result in some very stern Human Resource conversations. Should this happen feel free to use my fail safe plausible denyability back pedal response:
" What I actually said was his failure to respond in a timely manner resulted in super sloppy indiscriminate, unprotected group coitus that no amount of sanitary napkins would ever be able to absorb. He may have heard fuck but that is certainly not what I said."
motherless cunt? schifoso? perhaps work in parts of al pacinos rant from glenn garry glenn ross?I used fuck way too much, I need to open up my repertoire. Any suggestions?
publicclassMultiThreadServerimplementsRunnable{Socket csocket;MultiThreadServer(Socket csocket){this.csocket = csocket;}
publicstaticvoid main(String args[])throwsException{ServerSocket ssock =newServerSocket(1234);System.out.println("Listening");while(true){Socket sock = ssock.accept();System.out.println("Connected");newThread(newMultiThreadServer(sock)).start();}}publicvoid run(){try{PrintStream pstream =newPrintStream(csocket.getOutputStream());for(int i =100; i >=0; i--){
pstream.println(i +" bottles of beer on the wall");}
csocket.close();}catch(IOException e){System.out.println(e);}}}