LBS, one that fits. I cannot believe the disparity in helmet fits, even within brands. My oval dome fits better in a bell or giro than it does in a POC or smith. Unfortunately, my totally average 59cm dome is in between sizes for most brands. A med spec fit perfectly, but then they revised their sizing and their new stuff is too tight in M or way too big in L. I cannot do anything that is separated by a S/M or L/XL size spread.Good day to you, sirs.
Nothing really going on here. Was perusing helmets last night, as mine is 5 years old and in need of replacement. Recommendations?
In terms of what brands to look for- I have heard from @StiHacka that the smith koroid helmets are very hot, and similar with the very expensive wavecel from bonty. Personally I'm not sold on MIPS but I wouldn't actively avoid those helmets. I typically prefer just regular old foam helmets from Bell or Giro for cost, fit, and ventilation balance. Right now I have a bell DH, bell road, and TLD A1 MTB and would recommend any of them.