
‍♂️‍♀️‍♀️‍♂️‍♀️Friday Friday gotta get down on Friday ‍♀️‍♂️‍‍


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Had a pretty easy day of work, some welding, some servicing.
Was pretty happy as my sleep sucks, back to tensing my legs when I can't get to sleep, no idea why I do it but it is annoying to get up feeling like you have already done stuff.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Layla decide 5:30 was a good time to go out, so that's when I woke up.

Got a call from the ortho for my shoulder yesterday. Apparently I need "a shot" which I assume is cortizone. Although @Toshi did confirm that I'm just old and my shit is worn down accordingly. Also, let's see if my ADHD appt occurs today.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
HEY-OH!! I swam 2800 yards this morning and felt good after dragging ass all day yesterday. Doggo is still at the e-vet this morning but doing better. They want to keep her for a little while longer so they can watch her and charge us more. I am glad my net pay went up $650 this week after hitting the 401K max!

Had some ramen that apparently didn’t agree with me yesterday. This morning:
not feeling great
You have a race Sunday. Get on that hydration ASAP. And feel better.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011

At work. Fingers are all tingly thanks to the drugz.

Buddy is driving back home to Alberta tomorrow, so one last ride with him tonight.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
The concoction of stuff my ADHD dr said to take made me feel like shit. Gave up, I’ll just continue being as scatter brained as usual. And when I get stressed I just take a huge dose of fukitol.

in other news:
I only had Ritalin and Dexies, my eyes got sorta light sensitive and felt like they had really high pressure in them at times when I was on the Dex.
I don't really have ADHD, shit sleep just gives me similar symptoms.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
As I was gearing up for my hike yesterday I noticed something a little odd. An older dude with a small backpack, a camp chair and carrying a bundle of firewood to one of the picnic sites. Usually don’t see people bringing bundles of firewood to the park. Especially when it’s hot, windy and dry. When I got back from my hike, 3.5 hours later, I figured dude would be chilling by his fire. Nope. He had left. But I could smell smoke so I went up to the picnic site and sure enough there was a fire left to just burn down. No attempt to extinguish on a super windy and dry day. Went back to the car and grabbed one of my water bottles and put it out. Looked for a Ranger but didn’t see one.


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Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Wifey went and switched to T-mobile yesterday, and now she can't call or text anyone who doesn't have an iPhone. Which is oh, just me and 80% of her contacts.

Otherwise, I sucked at sleeping and was awake before 5. Failed at getting back to sleep, so its gonna be a two mugs of coffee kinda morning.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
As I was gearing up for my hike yesterday I noticed something a little odd. An older dude with a small backpack, a camp chair and carrying a bundle of firewood to one of the picnic sites. Usually don’t see people bringing bundles of firewood to the park. Especially when it’s hot, windy and dry. When I got back from my hike, 3.5 hours later, I figured dude would be chilling by his fire. Nope. He had left. But I could smell smoke so I went up to the picnic site and sure enough there was a fire left to just burn down. No attempt to extinguish on a super windy and dry day. Went back to the car and grabbed one of my water bottles and put it out. Loooked for a Ranger but didn’t see one.

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I saw something similar recently, must have been 30mile an hour winds and a guy was in the middle of a walking trail on the booze cooking sausages on an open fire.
To make it more odd there was a little kid with him riding along a rock ledge on a balance bike, he looked like a kid out of a horror movie, it was scary in multiple ways.

Poops McDougal

moving to australia
May 30, 2007
Central California
Coffee. Fucked my neck up doing overhead presses last night, because I'm getting older, went too heavy, and I don't lift weights often enough.

Taking a half day to drink beer with a buddy this afternoon.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Today's unsolicited financial/savings advice:

Safeway likes to give away groceries. Or at least make them way cheaper if you spent about an ounce of effort. Download the app. While shopping, look at their online deals. I just scroll through it while I am doing my normal shopping.

They have online posted only coupons (deals) that are substantial and will compound on shelf listed coupons. If you are willing to put forth a little extra cash on occasion, you can load up of items that you know will be used and stupid low prices.

Ex. Ben & Jerry's is normally $6/container. Digital coupon makes it $2.97/container. Online "deal" delivers manufacturer's coupon to $2 off for 2 containers. Breaks down to $1.97/container. Haley and Hannah have a scoop of ice cream nightly. That makes it effectively the same price as the cheap Lucerne ice cream.

But it gets better. You know how you put in your phone number? That accrues points that you can use to get free stuff or aggressively discounted.

This morning's $30 grocery trip was $11 after all the free stuff and coupons aggregated, and that was with nothing in addition to our normal purchases. That's a pretty normal occurrence. We usually drop an adtl 15-20% off groceries, as we walk around the store (with a list, so we're already keeping it tight).

King Soopers/Kroger has something similar.

/Unsolicited financial/savings advice.
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The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

Day 1 of 4 off, so suck on that.

Got Frita's fuel tank and sure as shit it's the right one. It's a tank from an 86+ P30 that was retro fit when they did the diesel swap. I just happened to stumble on it when looking at various tanks.

Now the only question left is the plumbing. The 86+ was EFI and had an in tank fuel pump. My truck has an external lift pump. My universal sending unit doesn't fit the new tank. Waiting to see what they did for a sending unit before I rig something new.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Today's unsolicited financial/savings advice:

Safeway likes to give away groceries. Or at least make them way cheaper if you spent about an ounce of effort. Download the app. While shopping, look at their online deals. I just scroll through it while I am doing my normal shopping.

They have online posted only coupons (deals) that are substantial and will compound on shelf listed coupons. If you are willing to put forth a little extra cash on occasion, you can load up of items that you know will be used and stupid low prices.

Ex. Ben & Jerry's is normally $6/container. Digital coupon makes it $2.97/container. Online "deal" delivers manufacturer's coupon to $2 off for 2 containers. Breaks down to $1.97/container. Haley and Hannah have a scoop of ice cream nightly. That makes it effectively the same price as the cheap Lucerne ice cream.

But it gets better. You know how you put in your phone number? That accrues points that you can use to get free stuff or aggressively discounted.

This morning's $30 grocery trip was $11 after all the free stuff and coupons aggregated, and that was with nothing in addition to our normal purchases. That's a pretty normal occurrence. We usually drop an adtl 15-20% off groceries, as we walk around the store (with a list, so we're already keeping it tight).

King Soopers/Kroger has something similar.

/Unsolicited financial/savings advice.

you are my 99 year old grandmothers spirit animal....

she had a three ring binder full of coupons when she was still able to shop...


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
MS Charity ride tomorrow. taking the afternoon to get things situated, i need to be pulling out of the driveway at 5am. gonna do a short easy ride this afternoon to keep the legs moving.

last chance to donate fellow primates!