
•°• Monday continued bullshit GMT •°•


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
At the office after a lot of days at home last week. My back was getting sore from sitting too much in the lounge chair and it's good to show some face too. Looks like I have to start getting on the spinning machine again both with daylight savings plus crappy weather. Not my favorite thing to do but better than no riding.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
So you know what's more annoying than not being able to ride bikes or lift weights or swim because of a broken back? Getting the flu so you don't have the energy to even do basic mobility training at home.

Still I got a bit lucky since a cheap airline moved my flights but they did so in a way that gives me 1 extra day of holiday (since I'm staying at my friends place it's free). So that's nice.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Still all covid-y, but here we are. Trying to get my pre-winter to-do list checked off, only have to reside the garage and install a basement French door (replaceable sheathing, house wrap, siding, hose bib, etc) to go! :thumbsdown:


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Kid 2 woke up at 5:30 again this morning. Ugh. Wife got home from her trip at 2 am. I think ours will be a tired household today. Great conditions for homeschooling due to a labour dispute....

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
hey lol. Swam 3600 yards this morning. I was dragging ass, man. I am just happy I got through the entire focking thing.

WFH today. Home alone with no wife and no pets (doggo's in day care). Feels weird.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Woke up at glorious 6AM today. :mad: It's 70F and raining, a nice day in Bermuda? We're going down to freezing temps on Wednesday morning, this will be fun. On a positive note, just tested negative on the 8th day since my covid exposure, so that's nice. Into the office we go!


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
Bohn Jur!!

All done with my winter prep. Now making a whole lot of drawers for the kitchen, pantry and closets.

This week will be the last of the trailbuilding season, my elbows have had it.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

The dogs don't understand daylight savings time, so they have started at 3:00 last couple of days. I can usually put them off for an hour, but 4 is still too early. Coffee doesn't even start until 4:45.

I have tried to teach them to wait for coffee but they don't seem to care.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes

slept like crap, as it is 73* in our bedroom plus some tasty humidity. Slept like shit and couldn't get my ass out of bed for a workout. Even if I could, I would have dragged the whole way. Today is going to be tough (at work) and I don't want to be in any worse shape than I am.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Also scored 40 skateboards T tools @ $2.75 a pop. When I was told shipping would be about $90 initially, I thought there had to be a cheaper way. Found them on Wish for less than $2, loaded 40 into my cart, went to check out and shipping was $151 :rofl:


Seller double checked and it ended up being about $50 to ship. Not awful.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
espresso was very good this morning, did 5 transports by 0515 now eats have been consumed an more espresso shall be consumed. Lightly raining so the roads will shortly become a shitshow as no one slows down or increases distances between cars.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
In other news,

Between my amazon rewards and REI dividends, I have $1200 bucks worth of gear on the way.
The wife had racked up $600+ in Amazon rewards so I made her buy the water heater for Frita. :rofl:

<edit> you can buy the RecPro branded water heater cheaper on Amazon than it is from RecPro. WTF?


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
hello peoples

didn't feel 100% when I got up this morning so drove in instead of my usual e-bike commute. 'tis cold in the morning these days anyway


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Standing here at work and felt a sharp pinch on my knee. A tick bit me. Dammit.

We've made a super difficult decision that Charlie, our orange cat, is going to be euthanized. While he can still goto the bathroom by himself and walks around occasionally, his blood work and whatnot shows that he is on the cusp.

For what it's worth, a month or so ago he was a chonky 17 pounds. He's down to 11. He won't eat, so we've been feeding him through a port in his neck. He's also now diabetic.

It's super sad, doubly so that this came out of left field, but it will be the best for him. The alternative are blood transfusions and lots of other work. It'll cost five figures, even with the girlfriend working I'm vet medicine. And during that or at the end, he might die anyways.

Luckily we/he have the ability to do it at home where he will be comfortable, not in a loud clinic or anything like that.

It's tough, but it will be for the best. Either tonight or tomorrow night.
Standing here at work and felt a sharp pinch on my knee. A tick bit me. Dammit.

We've made a super difficult decision that Charlie, our orange cat, is going to be euthanized. While he can still goto the bathroom by himself and walks around occasionally, his blood work and whatnot shows that he is on the cusp.

For what it's worth, a month or so ago he was a chonky 17 pounds. He's down to 11. He won't eat, so we've been feeding him through a port in his neck. He's also now diabetic.

It's super sad, doubly so that this came out of left field, but it will be the best for him. The alternative are blood transfusions and lots of other work. It'll cost five figures, even with the girlfriend working I'm vet medicine. And during that or at the end, he might die anyways.

Luckily we/he have the ability to do it at home where he will be comfortable, not in a loud clinic or anything like that.

It's tough, but it will be for the best. Either tonight or tomorrow night.
Sorry, dude.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Standing here at work and felt a sharp pinch on my knee. A tick bit me. Dammit.

We've made a super difficult decision that Charlie, our orange cat, is going to be euthanized. While he can still goto the bathroom by himself and walks around occasionally, his blood work and whatnot shows that he is on the cusp.

For what it's worth, a month or so ago he was a chonky 17 pounds. He's down to 11. He won't eat, so we've been feeding him through a port in his neck. He's also now diabetic.

It's super sad, doubly so that this came out of left field, but it will be the best for him. The alternative are blood transfusions and lots of other work. It'll cost five figures, even with the girlfriend working I'm vet medicine. And during that or at the end, he might die anyways.

Luckily we/he have the ability to do it at home where he will be comfortable, not in a loud clinic or anything like that.

It's tough, but it will be for the best. Either tonight or tomorrow night.
sorry man. i went through something similar with my favorite cat last summer.