
~• GMTuesday •~


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
what were you taking it for?
I am wary of this trend but am interested.
I figure I smoke enough pot to get all cannabinoids.
something, something, short term memory loss? :D

Actually, the trendiness is what eventually turned me off. Started reading too many articles about shitty stuff making it to market and/or people failing drug tests on oil the was supposed to be free of THC. Plus, I could never quite determine if it was actually helping, or placebo, and I felt like I was spending an awful lot of money for something I could never determine was meeting it's claims. My OTC pain killer use has definitely gone back up, but not back to where it was, and I've found that simply not drinking aides my ability to sleep more than anything else I've tried, though it still isn't great.

I'd love the opportunity to go to the full strength original, but the man is still keeping me down. :mad:


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
something, something, short term memory loss? :D

Actually, the trendiness is what eventually turned me off. Started reading too many articles about shitty stuff making it to market and/or people failing drug tests on oil the was supposed to be free of THC. Plus, I could never quite determine if it was actually helping, or placebo, and I felt like I was spending an awful lot of money for something I could never determine was meeting it's claims. My OTC pain killer use has definitely gone back up, but not back to where it was, and I've found that simply not drinking aides my ability to sleep more than anything else I've tried, though it still isn't great.

I'd love the opportunity to go to the full strength original, but the man is still keeping me down. :mad:
i remember that thread now!

the last part about the depression turns me off.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
finding anything neat?
I found out that my wife has no understanding or tolerance for how long it takes to drywall a space.

Other than that, I can confirm that my in-laws have so much stuff it's insane. FIL has 30+ gas cans. Theres no reason 2 people should have a 3,000 sqft house (not including the 1,000 sqft unfinished basement or 3 bay garage, also brimming with stuff) that is chock full of things. Every room too.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
HGTV has done all of us men a great disservice by making things seem much easier than they are. Not to mention almost every show the woman gets to play the designer while the poor dudes get the shit end of the stick and have to make their vision come to life.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
HGTV has done all of us men a great disservice by making things seem much easier than they are. Not to mention almost every show the woman gets to play the designer while the poor dudes get the shit end of the stick and have to make their vision come to life.
when house projects come up, particularly when my wife asks "can we (you) do this?" i always preface things with the disclaimer, "well, how much do you want to spend?"


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
I think it's a generational thing honestly. FIL grew up poor so he loves to buy the things he wants, and then will buy another cause why not have a backup.

MIL subscribes to the Kohls mentality, it doesn't matter what it is, if it's on sale shes game. I'd rather spend more and get something of reasonable quality that'll last years instead of somethinf cheap and disposable that I'll replace a year later.

Different strokes I guess.

when house projects come up, particularly when my wife asks "can we (you) do this?" i always preface things with the disclaimer, "well, how much do you want to spend?"
Ain't that the truth. I'm every bit as capable as anyone you could hire to do a job, it just wont get done as quickly causes a) I already have a 40 hour per week job and b) unless you do this stuff day in and day out you dont have the tools or knowledge to do things in an expedient fashion. That's just not how it works.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Ain't that the truth. I'm every bit as capable as anyone you could hire to do a job, it just wont get done as quickly causes a) I already have a 40 hour per week job and b) unless you do this stuff day in and day out you dont have the tools or knowledge to do things in an expedient fashion. That's just not how it works.
that's a bingo. one of the most useful things i've learned about home ownership is that there's a point when it just makes more sense to just hire someone.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
when house projects come up, particularly when my wife asks "can we (you) do this?" i always preface things with the disclaimer, "well, how much do you want to spend?"
You should watch America's Next Top Model and ask the wife if she could look like that.

Edit:. Should have responded to the HGTV reference.

Montana rider

Turbo Monkey
Mar 14, 2005
Who knew "mellow" hikers are killing all the elk.

With the decline in (my personal) saddle days the last two summers due to house guests and rehabbing the cabin in Island Park, I may soon be a hiker who bikes instead of a biker who hikes... Thanks Obama!

key graf:

To measure the impact on calves, he deliberately sent eight people hiking into calving areas until radio-collared elk showed signs of disturbance, such as standing up or walking away. The consequences were startling. About 30% of the elk calves died when their mothers were disturbed an average of seven times during calving. Models showed that if each cow elk was bothered 10 times during calving, all their calves would die.

When disturbances stopped, the number of calves bounced back.

Why, exactly, elk calves die after human activity as mellow as hiking is not entirely clear. Some likely perish because the mothers, startled by passing humans and their canine companions, run too far away for the calves to catch up, weakening the young and making them more susceptible to starvation or predation from lions or bears. Other times it may be that stress from passing recreationists results in the mother making less milk.

“If you’ve ever had a pregnant wife, and in the third trimester you chase her around the house in two feet of snow, you’ll get an idea of what she thinks about it,” Andree said.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
PS: "Hard" is not Cocaine. It is Cocaine and Fentanyl. You may think you're doing a Bump of Coke. But surprise, surprise you're not. Be careful out there....