
•}}}sunday funday gfmt{{{•


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Get a text from the wife yesterday saying that while she was out and I was at work, that the materials for our roof had finally arrived. The stupid fucking jackwagon morons just plunked down 5500lbs worth of roofing shingles in the middle of the driveway and called it a day. So instead of going to a wedding I was supposed to attend with my wife I got to shlep all this shit out of my driveway by hand so I could use my own goddamn garage. I am feeling it this morning too.



Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout

Get a text from the wife yesterday saying that while she was out and I was at work, that the materials for our roof had finally arrived. The stupid fucking jackwagon morons just plunked down 5500lbs worth of roofing shingles in the middle of the driveway and called it a day. So instead of going to a wedding I was supposed to attend with my wife I got to shlep all this shit out of my driveway by hand so I could use my own goddamn garage. I am feeling it this morning too.

You should write them a very strongly worded letter, and tell them how you really feel.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Here at White Ranch at the crack of dawn. Dark and cold.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
The curse of the Canines struck. I wanted to sleep in. They had other plans such as wanting to be let out to go crap and then have me fix their breakfasts...

So I might as well have coffee and start on todays projects. I have to have the camper ready by tonight to tow the horse down to Los Angeles for the regional championships early Tuesday morning. Actually going to enjoy the week because for the first time in years the MIL is not coming with us :banana::banana::banana:

coffee is almost ready for consumption:banana:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
They got a phone call, and I can assure you they know how I feel. :mad:
Where would you rather they placed them, on the lawn? In the street?

Best case, if the truck (likely flatbed from vendor, not contractor) could fit down your driveway, would be just in front of the garage.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 18, 2005
Coffee working its magic. Surprisingly non-hungover from yesterday's bored-at-the-airport bender. Hoping for bikes but will settle for work/ride at backyard pump track if needs be.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Where would you rather they placed them, on the lawn? In the street?

Best case, if the truck (likely flatbed from vendor, not contractor) could fit down your driveway, would be just in front of the garage.
I dunno, the roof maybe? Last time we had the roof replaced the vendor managed to put them all up there. I had our contractor come over and he helped me move them. He couldn't figure out why they left them there either.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
Fridays hard overnight rain provided hero dirt today.
Bye-bye moon dust, go fuck yourself.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Afternoon monkies. Today I have been full of productivity. I went to the office at 6AM to prepare a power point presentation for my meeting in Spokane later this week. I used zero graphics unless graphs are graphic? Meh, with time built in for awe, applause and blank stares I should be under 45 minutes.

Also checked out my roof to see if any pre-winter maintenance is required, so little needed I did it myself in about 90 minutes. Now I have tar under my fingernails.

Time now to ride a bike. :thumb:
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butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Cold finally starting to break up.
I didn't get up at 6 for stoney/toshi shuttle. Local ride with lots of coughing and phlegm in store!
You would still have been faster than either of us.

2500' up. 4000' down. I am beat.

I managed to clip a pedal at speed on Mustang, land on my back face up maybe 8' off the trail, and catapult my bike down to the next switchback. That was exciting, and bloodless unlike Stoney's several escapades.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002

Get a text from the wife yesterday saying that while she was out and I was at work, that the materials for our roof had finally arrived. The stupid fucking jackwagon morons just plunked down 5500lbs worth of roofing shingles in the middle of the driveway and called it a day. So instead of going to a wedding I was supposed to attend with my wife I got to shlep all this shit out of my driveway by hand so I could use my own goddamn garage. I am feeling it this morning too.


I used to get paid the princely sum of $5 an hour to carry that shit up 30 foot ladders.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Went to bed at 4am this morning; because friends and beer.

Woke up at 8:30am for DH and immediately said nope due to pounding head and went back to bed. Woke up again at 12 and then rode the bike over to my friends house to pick up my car. The quick roll down the hill on my bike must have snapped me out of the funk, because I then rushed home to grab my DH and head for the hills. Got in 2 hours of riding, so today wasn't a total loss.

Also, while chatting in the lift line, someone brought it to my attention that it's already the 24th and that the bike park closes in two weekends. WTF :thumbsdown:
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Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Parks closed by us this weekend I think.

Wife and I did an out and back on Segment 1 of the Colorado Trail from Waterton Canyon, ~32 miles and 4300' of climbing.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Back home. Unexpectedly spent the weekend with friends, first a joint trip to Boston, then went to their place at Cape Cod. It was a much welcome distraction; we even did 15 easy miles on local bike trails, and a nice boat ride to Osterville, the land of the .1%.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
No riding today, though a retired women's xc-pro invited me for a ride tomorrow morning at Thuper Awethum. Sucking wind that early doesn't appeal to me, though she has two kids so maybe it wouldn't be too much of a beating.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
What a day. Washed the horse trailer, washed the truck and camper, loaded the last of our stuff in the camper. Loaded in two full propane tanks, topped off the diesel and DEF and on board water tank. Then it was mow the lawns water the plants, rake up pine needles and finally BBQ some chicken breasts and lamb shank. We leave for Los Angeles at 6 am Tuesday morning and of course my wife is in stress head mode and will be until her last competitive ride on Sunday.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Shit is getting real out here...

The lizards aren't even attempting to conceal their surveillance.


And then our Peterbilt sprung a leak in the radiator when the fan disintegrated.

Coincidence, I think not.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
You would still have been faster than either of us.

2500' up. 4000' down. I am beat.

I managed to clip a pedal at speed on Mustang, land on my back face up maybe 8' off the trail, and catapult my bike down to the next switchback. That was exciting, and bloodless unlike Stoney's several escapades.
After I cleaned up, it was mostly scuffing down my shin, one good cut on my knee and another on the forearm. My other shin has an egg from losing the pedal though.

Wifey was not too keen with regards to the wheel though. I had the tire blow off at the beginning of Longhorn, which is fast and all rock. It didn't end well for the rim. I think I might be finished with mtb for the season. I need to rebuild the wheel (paging @Nick ), my seat post now has a 1" sag when sat upon, and the chainring is bent enough to need replacing (old issue, got worse). I'll probably be getting some rubber soles shoes too, as my Sidi's are not. My actual blood causing crash would have been fine if I hadn't slipped.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
DIdn't you just swap tires the night before? Installer error possible?

I have some good strong light 26" rims for ya !! :thumb:

(try to not fuck them up.)


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
DIdn't you just swap tires the night before? Installer error possible?

I have some good strong light 26" rims for ya !! :thumb:

(try to not fuck them up.)
Not sure about install issues. We made it all the way down Mtn Lion, Mustang, and Maverick before it arose. It felt kind of mushy at the tail end of Maverick (which means I should have hit it with CO2), so I'm thinking I might have developed a slow leak, but it blew bead <100 yards in. Everything kind of went downhill from there. I washed out in the lower chute trying a new line, then one the runout after the last creek crossing I had the tire roll again sending me into the bushes at high speed. All in, it was a rough day. Totally worth it for the riding though.

I'll call you on the rims later. I need to go up to Golden this coming weekend to drop off the pedals from the rental, which we left at home, not thinking about having to drop the bike while we were up there.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Solid ride today. Dry season is over, need to find some sticky assed rubber. Perhaps some e-13s.
Gotta say I love the e.13 TRS+ I picked up off of @Nick. Been running it up front since I got my bike and I have to say it's blown every other front tire I've run out of the water, and I've run quite a few. A bit slow out back, but you won't be wanting for more traction.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Gotta say I love the e.13 TRS+ I picked up off of @Nick. Been running it up front since I got my bike and I have to say it's blown every other front tire I've run out of the water, and I've run quite a few. A bit slow out back, but you won't be wanting for more traction.
And they last forever, too. Mine refuses to die closing in on 1.5k miles.