


Thanos did nothing wrong
Jun 13, 2017
Floating down the whiskey river...
post a photo when you get it. I picked up a hammock specific air pad from klymit it is the tits for hammocks
Nice. I bought the Insulated Static V from them a couple years back. I love it. My current sleeping bag has a pad sleeve so i don't have to worry about it sliding. I have it unboxed at home, but will need to wait until after work to set it up.
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Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Well that was fun...but HEAVY. Good snowboard snow.
Crowded, though.
We won’t be riding the high country until late July...

“Jackson Hole Mountain Resort: Deepest February Ever!
(Teton Village, WY, February 14, 2019) – With 97 inches of snowfall on the upper mountain since the start of the month, February 2019 is now the deepest in the resort’s history. With 18 inches of snow in the last 24 hours, the base depths at the upper mountain measure at 99 inches. Jackson Hole Mountain Resort (JHMR) is experiencing some of the deepest snow conditions in the country right now.
“Its been dumping almost non-stop this month,” stated Vice President of Operations, Tim Mason. “The one clear day we’ve had this month, we hosted the Kings and Queens of Corbet’s event. It was incredibly fortuitous that we experienced the weather window to hold the event and showcase the tremendous snow conditions for the athletes,” Mason went on to note. Guest arriving this holiday weekend are in for prime mountain conditions, with more snow forecasted through Saturday morning.
JHMR and Teton Village Association (TVA) would like to remind guests to use the START Bus or carpool to Teton Village this holiday weekend. Peak parking rates apply in Village parking lots and transit to and from the Stilson parking lot is always free.”
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bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
That's because old dudes suck at moguls.
fuck moguls

great success with fuckit friday. did a bunch of maintenance on yancey ridge-so when @AngryMetalsmith and the other nc monkeys make their annual pilgrimage to the superior pisgah it will be dunning fast. no low limbs to decrapitate you; no 12” corridor lined with rhodosvand prickers to make your arms look like you fought a coyote; no tangles of downfall bringing you skidding to a stop on the fast fun parts. but i am le tired. good thing there were creek beers.

great overcast, 55^ day in the woods and nowhere near all that nba all star game crap that has taken over our city.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011

The bossman was in my building all day, so had to do some actual work today. Damnit! But he purchased lunch for me, so meh.

Now to procure some tasty ipas at the local government shop. Maybe followed by some tasty edibles?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Got asked to work on a new development program. Going for it, can't be worse than the shit show if a project I am currently on.