
~€£]*\^€|€ f you Friday ~€{!!{£<¥


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Goddamnit, sounds like my Chevy engine has a fatal condition, with likely only a few months to live.
7k engine rebuild, really thinking newer truck, but I guess there is a severe National shortage of the ones I would be looking for. Boo.

What is the fatal condition? A full rebuild rebuilds everything, what about addressing the specific issue?

Not sure what labor would be involved or what specific engine you have, but a re manufactured core should be $3-$4K.
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Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
What is the fatal condition? A full rebuild rebuilds everything, what about addressing the specific issue?

Not sure what labor would be involved or what specific engine you have, but a re manufactured core should be $3-$4K.
This. :-)

Or you probably save some more dollars by grabbing a known working engine from any GM product. Most accessories will swap right over...

How many pooched work vans and trucks are out there with good working "LS" engines?


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
DH bikes were ridden with wifey. Much fun was had.

Now to eat and rest for tomorrow's excessively hard planned ride.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
What did she do/not do that was so toxic?
She is constantly pushing the younger team members to get advanced degrees, even though 3/3 of them don't know if it's what they want to do. They're all annoyed by it as it's a career and life decision, and not everybody is married to our industry.
She told my direct report, during a particularly stressful time, that "[her best] wasn't good enough"
She told another younger team member that "[she] was the only person who voted not to hire her"
She told me during the same stressful time that my performance wasn't up to snuff...a month after being promoted.
She'll interrupt me mid-conversation with my DR
She'll talk over me in meetings
She'll bring up mistakes I made during conversations and presentations even when the results are successful.

for me it was just annoying and showed that she didn't respect me enough to have an open and honest conversation if I was indeed slipping, but for the other team members it sapped their confidence and made for an uncomfortable place to work. I was apparently out the day my direct report was berated, which is even more insulting- she didn't have the nerve to speak to the both of us nor to speak to me about how she thought my DR was performing...she just skipped a level and took it out on her. BUT I'm out of there. I'll let HR know what I can in a tactful manner and then peace the fuck out.


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
She is constantly pushing the younger team members to get advanced degrees, even though 3/3 of them don't know if it's what they want to do. They're all annoyed by it as it's a career and life decision, and not everybody is married to our industry.
She told my direct report, during a particularly stressful time, that "[her best] wasn't good enough"
She told another younger team member that "[she] was the only person who voted not to hire her"
She told me during the same stressful time that my performance wasn't up to snuff...a month after being promoted.
She'll interrupt me mid-conversation with my DR
She'll talk over me in meetings
She'll bring up mistakes I made during conversations and presentations even when the results are successful.

for me it was just annoying and showed that she didn't respect me enough to have an open and honest conversation if I was indeed slipping, but for the other team members it sapped their confidence and made for an uncomfortable place to work. I was apparently out the day my direct report was berated, which is even more insulting- she didn't have the nerve to speak to the both of us nor to speak to me about how she thought my DR was performing...she just skipped a level and took it out on her. BUT I'm out of there. I'll let HR know what I can in a tactful manner and then peace the fuck out.
If the blast wouldn't have a good chance of talking out your former co-workers - Burn the Witch.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 19, 2003
She is constantly pushing the younger team members to get advanced degrees, even though 3/3 of them don't know if it's what they want to do. They're all annoyed by it as it's a career and life decision, and not everybody is married to our industry.
She told my direct report, during a particularly stressful time, that "[her best] wasn't good enough"
She told another younger team member that "[she] was the only person who voted not to hire her"
She told me during the same stressful time that my performance wasn't up to snuff...a month after being promoted.
She'll interrupt me mid-conversation with my DR
She'll talk over me in meetings
She'll bring up mistakes I made during conversations and presentations even when the results are successful.

for me it was just annoying and showed that she didn't respect me enough to have an open and honest conversation if I was indeed slipping, but for the other team members it sapped their confidence and made for an uncomfortable place to work. I was apparently out the day my direct report was berated, which is even more insulting- she didn't have the nerve to speak to the both of us nor to speak to me about how she thought my DR was performing...she just skipped a level and took it out on her. BUT I'm out of there. I'll let HR know what I can in a tactful manner and then peace the fuck out.
WOW…..and does HER manager not notice this kind of “behavior”?? Good thing you are out of there. Amazing people like this get into management on any level.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
In the relatively bougie airport lounge waiting for my flight. Another hour and a half to go. I love these lounges. Free booze, free food, comfy chairs. Riding the ‘how intoxicated can you be before they look at you funny when you board’ seesaw.


Triple shot Bloody Mary with Kaitai Fire hot sauce. :maninlove:

Flying back into Wellington which is currently experiencing 120kph gusts and torrential rain. Lols.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
If the blast wouldn't have a good chance of talking out your former co-workers - Burn the Witch.
two people from the same group quitting on the same day to solidify our group as the one with the highest turnover within the company should be enough to make HR take notice. Will they? Dunno... Ours is a group of 7, so far 6 have turned over in the company's ~2.5 years. Two forced out by her hand, one quit 3 weeks in, another quit before I joined.

It's just so hard to convey on my resume that this was a shitty place to work. I don't want to be a job hopper, but how hard can you try before it's time to move on? Hopefully I can convey this to HR and in the future....


Turbo Monkey
Jun 19, 2003
I bet they don't care as long as shit gets done and they don't have to deal with any skip-level subordinates directly.

Corporate Murica.
You’re totally (absolutely) right but at some point I’d have to think they’d have to look at the level of turnover and go “??? This is getting expensive!”.

But then again, probably not.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Might need to throw away the liner shorts I had on this afternoon at the bike park. There's a narrow small double with a blind landing I've never committed fully to hit before. Coming in to it on the last run of the day I figured I'd give it a go.

Take off the lip, in the air and there was a fat marmot sitting in the middle of the landing. Somehow we avoided one another.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 19, 2003
two people from the same group quitting on the same day to solidify our group as the one with the highest turnover within the company should be enough to make HR take notice. Will they? Dunno... Ours is a group of 7, so far 6 have turned over in the company's ~2.5 years. Two forced out by her hand, one quit 3 weeks in, another quit before I joined.

It's just so hard to convey on my resume that this was a shitty place to work. I don't want to be a job hopper, but how hard can you try before it's time to move on? Hopefully I can convey this to HR and in the future....
Been through similar. Should you need to interview again be open and honest about the situation. I have a three month stint at a place on my resume. When we get to that point in the interview, I always say “I’d like to explain this”. Tastefully provide an example of the insanity (without elaborating unless asked). The interviewer typically understands at that point in my experience.

You need to think of your wellbeing as well as your family’s. Money is important (real important) but if you’re miserable, your family feels it no matter how good you are at hiding it.

Look forward to not being in that situation anymore. The new one may not be perfect but it will be “different”. Maybe even enjoyable(ish).
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Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
It's just so hard to convey on my resume that this was a shitty place to work. I don't want to be a job hopper, but how hard can you try before it's time to move on? Hopefully I can convey this to HR and in the future....
As someone who has been in an (apparently very except with a par-level manager) similar situation four or five roles ago, I would suggest you simply don’t have anything about it on your resumé (CV?)
Stick to the positives and if asked about length of role in an interview, talk about the positives as much as possible and then talk about how you dealt with the situation first and foremost. Bitching about it, unless the interviewer is clearly down to hear the dirt is not a great look. I’ve been on both sides of the table on this one and in most cases people come off as whiny, blamey bitches when they use this as an ‘excuse’. If you do need to talk about it in a professional way, sight the number of other people who left due to the same ‘issue’ and your efforts to reconcile the situation before concluding you had better opportunities than to deal with that shit. Present your understanding and view of the situation from a high level org view (‘cultural challenges’ etc.) rather than as your own grievance.
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Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Well, the plane landed on second attempt, my accelerometer recorded a max of -1.8G at a momentary peak bump on the way in, most of the time barely 1.1 either way — not that bad really. Lots of people clapped, frickin n00bs. :D It has rained a lot here. Just can hear another band coming in now. Trails are gonna be hammered for a while I think. :hmm: Lots of roads up the valley have supposedly been flooded out for parts of the day.

Wild weather: What you need to know


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
Went to Broadway yesterday... that was a drunken clusterfuck of live music, excess makeup, clothes that were too small for the individual (both in circumference and square footage), and tiny dicks doing burnouts in brodozers on a busy street with drunkards everywhere. I'd prefer to not go back... Maybe to make Wifey happy (because she likes both live music and country), we could do day drinking (which I don't do), but holy shit that was a clusterfuck.
That was our experience there on a mini-vacation trip for a work conference for Mrs. Scrub a few years ago.

I did have an excellent time walking around and exploring neighborhoods several local white folks said I really should not have been in.
*shrug* no issues, and the food/art/culture I ate/saw/experienced was most excellent. Similar experience on another trip like that one, but in Albuquerque.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
That was our experience there on a mini-vacation trip for a work conference for Mrs. Scrub a few years ago.

I did have an excellent time walking around and exploring neighborhoods several local white folks said I really should not have been in.
*shrug* no issues, and the food/art/culture I ate/saw/experienced was most excellent. Similar experience on another trip like that one, but in Albuquerque.
Wifey has been directed to "nice" neighborhoods for exploring around and shopping. Each time she's come back with a fake taste in her mouth, which she wasn't expecting (not a surprise to me - yay South!). Maybe it's because she's lived in a real city (SF) and her development is in an "upcoming", primarily black and Hispanic neighborhood in Denver, she's not bothered by that (ie scared of dark people) shit.

I just wish we had more time to figure those places out and get some trips in there. Next time we will.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
As someone who has been in an (apparently very except with a par-level manager) similar situation four or five roles ago, I would suggest you simply don’t have anything about it on your resumé (CV?)
Stick to the positives and if asked about length of role in an interview, talk about the positives as much as possible and then talk about how you dealt with the situation first and foremost. Bitching about it, unless the interviewer is clearly down to hear the dirt is not a great look. I’ve been on both sides of the table on this one and in most cases people come off as whiny, blamey bitches when they use this as an ‘excuse’. If you do need to talk about it in a professional way, sight the number of other people who left due to the same ‘issue’ and your efforts to reconcile the situation before concluding you had better opportunities than to deal with that shit. Present your understanding and view of the situation from a high level org view (‘cultural challenges’ etc.) rather than as your own grievance.
"It wasn't a constructive environment to continue my career" is a tactful way to put it. Could also mention that it was becoming hostile.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
yeah, let me clarify- it is and was reasonably easy enough for me to explain why I'm leaving to the new job. My concern is more of that this is now a pattern of behavior...I have a couple of 20 month moves on my resume. At my last job, I had 5 bosses, none of which was really helping guide me, and this time I had one micromanager....BUT hopefully this next gig is the one I can spend 5 years at.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
That was our experience there on a mini-vacation trip for a work conference for Mrs. Scrub a few years ago.

I did have an excellent time walking around and exploring neighborhoods several local white folks said I really should not have been in.
*shrug* no issues, and the food/art/culture I ate/saw/experienced was most excellent. Similar experience on another trip like that one, but in Albuquerque.

It is more dangerous for non white people to explore nice white neighborhoods than the other way around.