
≈‰≠‰§=… Hurr durr let’s go to work Thursday GMT ¥€§


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
That's an odd way of saying you're gonna need to have a poo.
i have a pint of chocolate ice cream to thank for mine.

to say it was robust would be a understatement

Slept like the dead last night. Chores to be done, the hospital is already bombarding my email with form and pre-employment shit to fill out.

are you assembling x ray machines there?


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
started my day off with a massage. I hadn't really thought of using massage to help with my back pain, since the last few times I went it really only made my pain worse. I've been doing my exercises almost daily now, and working on correcting lordosis of my lower back and kyphosis of my upper back, and restoring some natural movement in my rib cage. It dawned on me that massage could possibly help with that. and boy howdy did it ever! I feel like I can breathe deeply and fully now, and that I can move normally. we'll see if it's just an illusion on my ride tonight... (double bonus that the temps and humidity have FINALLY dropped).
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Cake Tease
May 29, 2011

Coffee time here at work.

Riding tonight with a buddy who has made every excuse to not ride with our group of friends this year. On Sunday he said "oh I'm working on wednesday, can't ride. I'm off Thursday." To which my buddy and I both responded with, "well good thing we're riding on Thursday too!"

Late last night he tried saying he needed to bleed his brake. He has all day to do it today - and is going riding at the bike park in the afternoon...so.... :rofl: I told him I'll bring the bleed kit and we'll do it in the parking lot.
Oh look..........guess who just sent out a text bailing on the ride.
