
▂▃▅▇█▓▒░ Tune in Tokyo Tuesday ░▒▓█▇▅▃▂


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Just got back from Haley's first kart league race. She actually beat a few boys who are regular league racers, so kinda cool. Ended up getting 4/6 in her final, 13/15 overall. She dropped an adtl >1sec off her best lap time from 2 weeks ago. She was at ~34sec per lap 1.5 months ago and is now down to 27.373sec.

We, by chance, sat down at the table next to the girl who holds the all-time track record, and I was able to talk with her dad for a while. During Haley's last race, the girl (who is 15, btw) came over and her dad pointed out that I was Haley's dad. She was running through things that she can do to be faster (tighter apexes, better line through a few corners), but how she was overall doing really well.

When she looked at the time sheet though, she kinda freaked out. Her lines and times, given she's only been there 6 times and done 20 races are apparently really, really good. And with how far too wide Haley's turns are (good arc, too far out), there is an easy extra second to pull by just tightening them up. After Haley's race she pulled Haley aside started going through how she could tighten things up, carry speed better, and drop time. And her dad started going through all the ways I could reduce the cost of buying races - bulk, doing BOGO gift cards, etc.

So... Haley apparently has kind of a knack for karting, moreso than her bike and maybe even her skiing. The skill set will obviously transfer between sports, but this one seems to be taking. Quickly.
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