
□■□■fuck it friday gfmt....■□■□


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
will redeem myself and purchase ticket for sleep in ohio....also purchase black angels ticket and dead meadow ticket...

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
anyone get the lic of the truck whut hit me? I was feeling wiped form 4 nights of running so I did an easy 45 minutes of spinning on the trainer just to do a recovery workout. this morning body no workie....No workout tonight I think my muscles are telling me to obey the thread title.

Double Espresso to try and jump start my morning. First client pickup is at 5:30 am for Dialysis.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Not sure I really slept last night, just took a series of short naps. Watched the minutes tick by from 4 am onward before getting out of bed at 430. Oof. Maybe I'll sleep well tonight...


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Good Morning!!

I was feeling pretty low yesterday about work...I have a co-worker that gave me some positive words out of the blue - said he could tell there was something off about my general positive outlook and wanted to make sure I was all good. I certainly appreciated it, and have decided to put off burning this bitch to the ground for at least a week.

I have ZZ Top's "Deguello" cranked in the earbuds, some coffee on the desk and a bag of M&M's. Let's go get at it.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
A good ride was had last night despite it being on water-glazed snow. snome peeps had broken the crust with snowshoes and crampons, so it was pretty decent, despite my tubeless setup losing air, and having to install a tube mid-ride. it was 5 freedom° out, so fucking with a tube kinda sucked. as did standing around waiting for me to fix my tube I'd imagine.... beers and burgers afterwards were very welcome.

today is a PD-day for the kids. dropped them off at forest camp this morning. it's a beatiful, sunny 0°F out. -14°F with the wind. I hope they stay out of the wind. I'm jelly. today is going to be a gong-show at work.


You might feel a little prick.
Sep 1, 2015
San Diego
sitting in my shed drinking coffe watching the sunrise. Thermometer says 45 to 50 degrees. Gunna be a great day.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Getting info on new role with the new position. A lot of the managerial stuff will be taken away and I will be going back to "special projects" with clients. Focusing on high value and high priority clients. It's nice working with grown ups... rich grown ups.

Got woken up mid-way through my 6 hours of sleep last night because Haley had a nightmare. I couldn't put forth the effort to put her to bed so we ended up with both the dog and Haley in our bed last night.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Met a client last night and had two beers (Bohemian Ale, yum!) which left me sleepless again.

It's blowin' like Stormy Daniels up here.
Have you thought seeing if you are allergic to alcohol or some forms of yeast? Staying awake from beer makes no sense. @Toshi can we get some thoughts?


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Have you thought seeing if you are allergic to alcohol or some forms of yeast? Staying awake from beer makes no sense. @Toshi can we get some thoughts?
Yes I have considered that. I'll talk to my Doc and see if they can test.

Also, at first I thought you said "staying away from beer makes no sense".


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
workin' and skiing all weekend. I wont get to sleep late until next weekend. thats kinda bogus.
tonight I drink beers & go to sleep early.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Nutella is like a premium equivalent of peanut butter in France, no? Would you not go buy a premium product for 25% in bulk if you could? What if you could never afford it before? Would you not make it a priority? This is a example of disparity of wealth and the kind of economic clashes we will probably start seeing on the street level as that disparity grows.
On a side note, there are also notable floods occurring in France, including Paris, currently.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Nutella is like a premium equivalent of peanut butter in France, no? Would you not go buy a premium product for 25% in bulk if you could? What if you could never afford it before? Would you not make it a priority? This is a example of disparity of wealth and the kind of economic clashes we will probably start seeing on the street level as that disparity grows.
On a side note, there are also notable floods occurring in France, including Paris, currently.
I wouldn't really equate it to PB. There is no PB in France. A mark, right there, of a failed and uncivilized society. Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité be damned.

but seriously, I don't really think Nutella is considered a "premium" product. It's more like a treat for your kids. Same way having pancakes/waffles for breakfast is here... over there, it's a treat to have on your bread for breakfast every once in a while, but not every day. And yeah, while it's a little expensive, the main reason its not a daily staple is because it's not healthy. Malbouffe would be what they call it...


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Have you thought seeing if you are allergic to alcohol or some forms of yeast? Staying awake from beer makes no sense. @Toshi can we get some thoughts?

Alcohol is a depressant, but once your body processes it the rebound/withdrawel causes the opposite affect, higher blood pressure/increased metabolism.

Alcohol only helps with sleep if you keep drinking.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Sat through a design review presentation as an industry advisor for Berkeley's Hyperloop concept. All the other industry sponsors just gave them praise. I grilled the nerds. Don't know if I will be invited back.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Wallet in hand. I will make another attempt at breakfast burritos, for dinner.

Busy day is friggin' busy.

And the damn temperature is rising yet again. So the ice is going to be wet. Yay


You might feel a little prick.
Sep 1, 2015
San Diego
Im fucking ecstatic!!!!!!!!! This guy that decided to fuck with me just got fucked back so hard. All i can say is week long, 32 agents, inspections. 23 business cited for illegally operating, the felonies arnt reported yet. But i know that several stolen cars were found. Score for the good guy.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Im fucking ecstatic!!!!!!!!! This guy that decided to fuck with me just got fucked back so hard. All i can say is week long, 32 agents, inspections. 23 business cited for illegally operating, the felonies arnt reported yet. But i know that several stolen cars were found. Score for the good guy.
i remember you mentioning this. effin' LOL. if anything gets posted on your local news share it, i'd be curious to read


You might feel a little prick.
Sep 1, 2015
San Diego
Always better to work with law enforcement. The first day the DMV showed up the lease holder (guy i fucking hate) his female minion threw them out of their office. This is their retaliation. Im not going to say how they found out about the location. My cousin helped the DMV form these task forces and get funding to go after these illegal yards.