
□■□■thursday gfmt.■□■□


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
evidently older brothers youngest wrote a letter to the pope....i said i hope it just said leave the boys alone in front of good old moms at yesterdays festivities....she smacked me upside the head....good times.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Got my first speeding ticket yesterday. Were just cruising and accelerated a little too much and passed a photo truck and got my picture taken. Now I am just hoping I did not speed too much to make it really bad. I really try to drive safe but just accelerated at a light as my son thinks its fun and love cars - stupid money.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Morning! Only the most desperate ones are coming to work in the city today, /me being one. Interesting to see all the party boats anchored on the Charles river in places where they were watching the fireworks last night. Today is gonna be another day with dew point in the 70s so no fun staying outside, I guess I am lucky I have another long day in the office ahead?

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
We kept the dogs in last night. Jack and Zack were not bothered by the m80s and big mortars (city show) going off but Watson and Moriarty were not happy at all. most of the crap stopped after 10pm. Back to work I go. I kind of like only working a 4 day week too bad it's not a regular occurrence.

back to drinking my coffee I guess


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Parade then roadie ride yesterday. Gave the M a bath and while taking pictures (still thinking about maybe selling it) somebody pulled up and asked me for details and my number (see deck thread). Work today. Meh.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

Dragging ass, but I am here dammit. Who's idea was it to have America's birthday on a Wednesday? Moar coffee.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Hello all. I feel weak, quite possibly related to not eating much anything since Monday evening.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Hello. I visited the local swimming hole early yesterday to get my mile swim in before the lake was overrun by 4th of July boaters. I also rode about 35 miles. Cumberland Farms is conveniently located 1.5 miles from my house, so I stopped in at the end of my ride for a much needed Slurpee. Ice cream headache never felt so good.

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
Another ride this am with the pooch. I’m really starting to nail a couple corners very well. I’m starting to get my tires to make some satisfying sounds...

Now to work, then skiving off early to go camping.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Got my first speeding ticket yesterday. Were just cruising and accelerated a little too much and passed a photo truck and got my picture taken. Now I am just hoping I did not speed too much to make it really bad. I really try to drive safe but just accelerated at a light as my son thinks its fun and love cars - stupid money.
Big Brother lives.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Still holed up in western CO making the necessary repairs on the camper before we hit the road. Pulled the cracked fresh water tank then relocated and cleaned up the hacked together electrical system so I can stuff a regular off the shelf rectangular rank back in the same spot.

This whole debacle has set us back a few weeks, but with any luck it’ll mean things won’t break while on the road.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
finally found the alpine labs pulse thing a ma jig for the camera that i misplaced a year or two ago....i guess i should fuck with it.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
110°F with the humidity. And so my buddies decide to do a climbing-only loop. How they manage to piece together a loop that is mostly climbs, and bypasses all the good descents is beyond me. This route was chosen mainly because the parking lot is by a lake. But eff that. I'll wait till tomorrow and ride when the daily high is supposed to be 72°. Plus, I might hook up with a local shop that do "enduro Friday" rides (they ride at the local DH park, do no-drop leisurely climbs, and pin the DH. Last time I got to witness a new guy plow a trench in the loam of a new trail with his face. It was entertaining! (but only because no one was hurt - the loam was that soft).


took my boy to the orthodontist again today because one of his braces had come unglued from its tooth. we had planned to have lunch together, but he was dissapointed to be missing his activity at daycamp, so I rushed him back. But I forgot to give him a sandwich. I got the call just as I got to the office on my bike (remember, it's 110° out now). So my wife will take a cab from work, grab him a Subway sub, and go back to work.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
:stupid: It's the third time they've tried to do this this fucking loop. First time I bailed and did a separate one. That loop got cut short caus' one of them got a stick stuck in his wheel in a DH, went OTB and managed to dislocate his ring finger. Last week they said let's try and do that loop again, and I said "fuck no I won't go" so we did a nice loop with gnar descents. They want to go back this week. I'm using the heat as an excuse not to go. I hope they finally get that fucking loop out of their system...


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Good Afternoon!!

Day started bright and early as we were on a sign install at 5:30....six large panels on the wall and 3 footers later, we were done with everything before the sun got too high in the sky and melted our face. I'm a sweaty mess, so taking off to the house to get a shower and then back to finish the rest of the day - can't roll into my afternoon meeting smelling like this...


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Been out riding or hiking 2-4 hours for the past four days in what has to be the season of bugs. Gnats, horse flies, yellow-jackets, etc. Even have a mosquito bite on my sack. And yes it itches. Fortunately I don't work in an office, so no one is going to care if I'm digging away at my crotch. However, I may have to go to Whole Foods later. Hotties in yoga pants and a creepy dude with itchy balls. As the song goes, Summer time...and the livin is easy.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
:stupid: It's the third time they've tried to do this this fucking loop. First time I bailed and did a separate one. That loop got cut short caus' one of them got a stick stuck in his wheel in a DH, went OTB and managed to dislocate his ring finger. Last week they said let's try and do that loop again, and I said "fuck no I won't go" so we did a nice loop with gnar descents. They want to go back this week. I'm using the heat as an excuse not to go. I hope they finally get that fucking loop out of their system...

Usually what goes up must come down. But I try to not go up both ways...

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
I wasn't gonna ride this afternoon because heat but then my new Brooks B17 arrived, it's going to replace the OEM Fizik Tundra that came on the hardtail. It will need to be tested. I'm guessing I will have the trails to myself. :thumb:

Edit: I had forgotten the Brooks is insistent on proofiding their saddles, since I do not live in a wet area I will follow the recommendation. When I lived on the coast of Washington I used Hubbard's Shoe Grease which is commonly used for cork boots. I used it once or twice a year and rode wet conditions all the time, I never noted any saddle degradation. My road bike has a Swift treated in the same manner, it is over 15 years old and has not had any issues.
Last edited:


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Infiniti called and the instrument cluster is failing again. It's brand new; replaced 3 months ago. Also the master cylinder is leaking. Glad we coined up for the warranty on it. I think we'll be getting rid of it when the warranty expires. My likelihood of buying another Infiniti/Nissan is dropping quickly.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Infiniti called and the instrument cluster is failing again. It's brand new; replaced 3 months ago. Also the master cylinder is leaking. Glad we coined up for the warranty on it. I think we'll be getting rid of it when the warranty expires. My likelihood of buying another Infiniti/Nissan is dropping quickly.
And to think that I thought it'd be the CVT that'd have issues...