
☆▪¿snow day Saturday gfmt¿▪☆


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
frosted flakes consumed.....maybe a inch of hard packed bullshit on the road.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
'Morning. I celebrated an evening sans wife last night by going to bed at 8:00 and sleeping 10 hours. I've got a 10K race this morning. Gonna be a cold one. Shooting for another personal best (41:39).


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

What is this "snow" everyone keeps speaking of? Supposed to be in the 50's today, I don't think it even got below freezing last night. Not sure if El Nino, climate change, or just Colorado being Colorado

My legs are fried, but I slept fairly well, by my standards anyway, last night. Back into the salt pit for another round. :thumbsdown:


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
still have power. guesstimating 8" on the ground so far? and drifting. wind is keeping the snow of the trees. coffee, breakfast, then shoveling and day drinking,


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
No snow here but holy balls is it ever cold.

Went to bed at 4am and got up at 8am to come into work for a few hours. Don't actually feel too tired, but I am definitely taking a nap later.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Can I has some lizzard? Rode early this morning, 26F, 20mph winds, a mix of packed snow / ice / exposed rocks.

Steep downhill ice chutes are kinda sketchy even with studs but I survived with a big grin (only to smash my shin when doing asinine things on a frozen pond a little later).



Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Howdy all. Project Scratch Removal on the Land Cruiser's hood was an abject failure. Too deep, akin to that which your mother was heard to utter, non?


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members.
~ Emerson

perhaps why enjoy the yin and yang of our secret society of antisocialites.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I've got a 10K race this morning. Gonna be a cold one. Shooting for another personal best (41:39).
Rocked that shit. 40:57. I finished 8th place overall but I don't know how many in total because results aren't posted yet. I'm guessing 75 people or so. Small field because only the crazies race when it's this cold. It was only cold when not running though. Tights and a thermal long sleeve shirt were enough (gloves and hat too obv).


Mental acuity - 1%
Jan 9, 2004
in a single wide, cooking meth...
Rocked that shit. 40:57. I finished 8th place overall but I don't know how many in total because results aren't posted yet. I'm guessing 75 people or so. Small field because only the crazies race when it's this cold. It was only cold when not running though. Tights and a thermal long sleeve shirt were enough (gloves and hat too obv).
God damn, that's a fast pace. :headbang::rockout:



the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Solid 20" measured in the back yard. Several hours of digging and I can get to my car. Will require several more to get it out. I doubt I will be able to dig out anything with RWD before the salt hits the road, which will then be a no go.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Man was I wrong. Glad to hear you are all still alive. I still want maps to all your bongsheds for security reasons.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
So, a body was found next to the highway, supposedly with his face cut off. They haven't been able to identify the remains. He was black, which means if he lived here, he would be one of around ten people....drugs, perhaps?
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
Target file 01test.loc contains 5694 bytes.

TerraByte Location File Copyright 2003 TopoGrafix

Waypoint 1:
Element 1, byte, function unknown: 14
Element 2, two bytes, waypoint record identifier?: 871
Element 3, byte, function unknown: 2
Element 4, string, ExpertGPS Name on GPS: BV
Element 5, byte, waypoint name string terminator? Always 8: 8
Element 6, string, ExpertGPS Label on Map: Baconville drive
Element 7, three bytes, always x00 07 08: bytearray(b'\x00\x07\x08')
Element 8, eight characters, always Waypoint: Waypoint
Element 9, six bytes, always x84 56 00 00 00 63: bytearray(b'\x84V\x00\x00\x00c')
Cursor is now 90, value: "
Element 10, eight bytes, latitude: (44.1627567581984,)
Cursor is now 98, value: d
Trolling for longitude.
n: 98, Value: (2.5631208124445457e+88,)
n: 99, Value: (-73.15264318819648,)
n: 100, Value: (1.354521232382694e+182,)


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
Target file 01test.loc contains 5694 bytes.

TerraByte Location File Copyright 2003 TopoGrafix

Waypoint 1:
Element 1, byte, function unknown: 14
Element 2, two bytes, waypoint record identifier?: 871
Element 3, byte, function unknown: 2
Element 4, string, ExpertGPS Name on GPS: BV
Element 5, byte, waypoint name string terminator? Always 8: 8
Element 6, string, ExpertGPS Label on Map: Baconville drive
Element 7, three bytes, always x00 07 08: bytearray(b'\x00\x07\x08')
Element 8, eight characters, always Waypoint: Waypoint
Element 9, six bytes, always x84 56 00 00 00 63: bytearray(b'\x84V\x00\x00\x00c')
Cursor is now 90, value: "
Element 10, eight bytes, latitude: (44.1627567581984,)
Cursor is now 98, value: d
Trolling for longitude.
n: 98, Value: (2.5631208124445457e+88,)
n: 99, Value: (-73.15264318819648,)
n: 100, Value: (1.354521232382694e+182,)
And you call yourself a Moderator?