Man, what a depressing fucking conversation I just had with my boss. Synopsis:
- The "narrative" has started that I am inflexible and can't operate in the "grey area" to overcome "challenges"
- i have great project management skills and organization, but those are not valued as much as "doing work to show that you are doing work even though it may not necessarily be the right work" (verbatim)
- On that same theme, don't place any faith in the systems in place working for you, I should be doing everything in my power to make stuff happen outside of said systems
- I should "realign" my focus to react to our problems of today instead of focusing on how to become better tomorrow
Conclusion = What they need is something I ain't selling. Here's to hoping I can ride this one out til a good time comes to do what's right for me.
I make money I get to keep my job.
I make lots of money I get a bonus and get to keep my job.
I not make money I have 3 quarters to turn it around or I'm out on my ass.
There is something comforting about having top line sales and bottom line profit determine your future... Who the hell wants to work in the grey area to achieve a result that may or may not meet the desired objective?
Boss lady: I have no idea what it is you actually do, but people say it's awesome so keep doing it.
Me: Doing me job.
I got to write my own job description. As a company, they decided to reorganize IT into a ITIL management framework 2 years go. As such, there was a position created they hired me to fill. Since nobody here knew what that role actually did, my boss did the smart thing and hired someone who did (me).
So as long as I meet or exceed the expectations I set, I get a raise.
I make money I get to keep my job.
I make lots of money I get a bonus and get to keep my job.
I not make money I have 3 quarters to turn it around or I'm out on my ass.
There is something comforting about having top line sales and bottom line profit determine your future... Who the hell wants to work in the grey area to achieve a result that may or may not meet the desired objective?
You know, I think that's the crux of it. I think am seen as "inflexible" because I expect that projects:
a) if not required by law, regulatory decree, or business initiative, make sense from a cost/benefit perspective
b) have an explicitly defined set of objectives that are derived from the hazards associated with, actual usage of, and end user requirements
If a project does not meet those basic criteria I have lobbied for it to be put on hold until such a time as part B can be satisfied, or, if not, it should be killed. I have never worked for a company that does not have more projects than they do people to work on them; it makes no sense to tackle something that does not provide maximal return on investment provided it is not subject to criteria A.
I thought this was a reasonable approach though it is apparent that this position is not appreciated. I understand the need to get things done, but I simply cannot fathom doing so without first satisfying A or B.
Anyway, I ask very little in life and don't think I'm being unreasonable or inflexible. Diatribe and pontificating over.
Supposedly we will be getting a kick ass storm over the next few days. I charged up the battery on the emergency generator and fired it up as a test tonight. Let the power fail. I'm ready for it.
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