
☆ Friday GMT ☆


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
me: I should sleep a few more hours
brain: no

Making coffee and staRting my day should let me finish work early and get outside for a while before dark. Right?
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I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Hiya pals!! I've got another half marathon tomorrow that I got peer pressured into running. I'll be taking this one easy though and not going balls out race mode. I've got to run 18 miles total (the race is 13) so I'll get there early and get five miles done before the race. I just need to finish the race in under 2:15 so I earn a fancy schmancy train whistle. The race starts at the same time as the steam train. Beat the steam train back to the finish and you earn a whistle. If all goes according to plan, I should finish with about 40 minutes to spare.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Good Morning!!!

A beautiful Fall day out there...the band I play with has a show this evening, and it's one of those things where we could play outside on the patio, or inside. Probably going to be about 50 deg. by the time it ends at about 11, so it's close to being too cold, but not really...decisions, decisions...

Pumpkin carving at cub scouts last night - hauled butt home from work, swung by the grocery store and snagged a pumpkin...got there in the nick of time....cut the top open...rotted pumpkin. Fail.

It was salvageable...the top was mush, though. Tried to put it on after carving everything and it just fell through with this "splat" sound as it hit.


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
Nothing like going in to a weekend knowing that next week is going to be worse than this one. Better make this weekend count.

My first 'cross race is in a week. I've been thinking about riding my bike a lot lately, so I should be fine. :rolleyes:


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Hiya pals!! I've got another half marathon tomorrow that I got peer pressured into running. I'll be taking this one easy though and not going balls out race mode. I've got to run 18 miles total (the race is 13) so I'll get there early and get five miles done before the race. I just need to finish the race in under 2:15 so I earn a fancy schmancy train whistle. The race starts at the same time as the steam train. Beat the steam train back to the finish and you earn a whistle. If all goes according to plan, I should finish with about 40 minutes to spare.
good luck babs.
how many races have you run this year? it seems like you have a marathon every weekend.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Corporate overlords have voluntold me I will be going to Vietnam 12/1 - 12/16. This corresponds with my wedding anniversary on the 5th. My wife is going to murder me. Like, straight up, William Wallace style drawn and quartering. Nice knowing you Ridemonkies.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Corporate overlords have voluntold me I will be going to Vietnam 12/1 - 12/16. This corresponds with my wedding anniversary on the 5th. My wife is going to murder me. Like, straight up, William Wallace style drawn and quartering. Nice knowing you Ridemonkies.
Take her with you?

Morning! Rain's gone, chilly morning here. I shall be able to do a bike ride this afternoon before it gets dark. The leaf raking season is almost here so I'd better work on my shred-o-matic device improvements, soon.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Corporate overlords have voluntold me I will be going to Vietnam 12/1 - 12/16. This corresponds with my wedding anniversary on the 5th. My wife is going to murder me. Like, straight up, William Wallace style drawn and quartering. Nice knowing you Ridemonkies.
Wifey says she's willing to pay tree fiddy to your wife for your truck.

Cold outside this morning, somewhere in the teens in degrees freedom.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkey.

Adventure drive this morning through the woods to the chiropractor to start my day. Should be good, just need a little more light so I don't clip any wildlife. Got meds yesterday, see how they do. From what the doc said, they are pretty weak, but should help. All this talk in the PAWN forum of opioid addiction has me all sorts of :tinfoil:

Lets all be safe out there, ok? Happy Friday.


Jan 23, 2017
Raleigh, NC
Found someone on CL that appears to mill their own lumber, going to visit their business tomorrow and see what delightfulness I can find in 8/4


Jan 23, 2017
Raleigh, NC
Morning Monkey.

Adventure drive this morning through the woods to the chiropractor to start my day. Should be good, just need a little more light so I don't clip any wildlife. Got meds yesterday, see how they do. From what the doc said, they are pretty weak, but should help. All this talk in the PAWN forum of opioid addiction has me all sorts of :tinfoil:

Lets all be safe out there, ok? Happy Friday.
I forsee more fiber in your future


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Yay Friday!!! It is getting cold out there fellas. I finally got around to putting the cleats on my new FiveTens; those non ventilated shoes should keep the toes much warmer than the other shoes.

What is up with the gas prices? It cost $50 to fill my roller toaster's tank this morning. We're up to $1.20 for a liter of 87. :brow:


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Corporate overlords have voluntold me I will be going to Vietnam 12/1 - 12/16. This corresponds with my wedding anniversary on the 5th. My wife is going to murder me. Like, straight up, William Wallace style drawn and quartering. Nice knowing you Ridemonkies.
Seems to me that Vietnam would be a great place to celebrate an anniversary...

What is up with the gas prices? It cost $50 to fill my roller toaster's tank this morning. We're up to $1.20 for a liter of 87. :brow:
time to buy an EV?

I rode last night. conditions were good. pace was good. trail choice was good. but I wasn't feeling it. kinda weird. slept ok-ish. work is annoying at the moment.


Jan 23, 2017
Raleigh, NC
Corporate overlords have voluntold me I will be going to Vietnam 12/1 - 12/16. This corresponds with my wedding anniversary on the 5th. My wife is going to murder me. Like, straight up, William Wallace style drawn and quartering. Nice knowing you Ridemonkies.
rip in peace

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Another crappy nights sleep. Woke up at 2:15 to the wife's snoring and the old dog pacing , he needed to go out. Never did get back to sleep. Heading off to a horse show venue after work. Taking the bike with me for a night ride or two.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
good luck babs.
how many races have you run this year? it seems like you have a marathon every weekend.
Tomorrow will make 21 races this year, 7 of which have been half marathons (my favorite distance). Only three of them are what I would consider big races that take a lot out of me and require longer recovery (my three half ironmans). The rest of them I am usually good to go a couple of easy days after. Like the 5K's and the sprint triathlons...I can go all out when I race them and get right back into training the next day.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
me: I should sleep a few more hours
brain: no

Tossed and turned for several hours last night. Dozed off for a bit after the girls left for school. Hard ice in the dog water bowl this morning. Will probably go for a run later.

Bought the wife a laptop for "grades and PowerPoint". Copying over 66GB of pictures from the desktop. Holy balls is it taking a long time.


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
Corporate overlords have voluntold me I will be going to Vietnam 12/1 - 12/16. This corresponds with my wedding anniversary on the 5th. My wife is going to murder me. Like, straight up, William Wallace style drawn and quartering. Nice knowing you Ridemonkies.
Seems like you're going to have to make it the best anniversary ever... look, bikes!


Just got off the phone with your wife, she says if she can't make it work on her end, you can take me instead! To here please:


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
And for news in the SB world: I rode the last 3 days, riding with my kiddo tonight after school, and my rad bro & sis in law and their two cuties (7 yo boy & 4 yo grrrl) are coming to spend the weekend with us. We have plans to ride both days and are all pretty stoked. Life is good!