Thanks Obama! Switch to generic drugs then. If you think you will be getting non-generic drugs in a government-run healthcare, you are dearly mistaken.Fuck our healthcare system. My drugs (anti-seizure) have been covered by our insurance to the tune of $45/quarter going back 2 years. Our company changed the policy slightly (same plan number, etc) and added non-generic drugs to your deductible. I just spent $3400 for 3 months worth of drugs and it only took $2640 off my $6000 deductible.
Shit like this is why I'm voting for Bernie. We need to get our country caught up with the rest of the civilized world and have universal healthcare. I don't care if it has us paying slightly more in taxes, because the healthcare costs will clearly offset the difference. I'm lucky in that we can pay for this. If we didn't have the extra cash flow, I'd be a walking time bomb.