
$10 for $20 scam


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
On the way to the airport from Interbike, I shared a taxi ride with a sales rep. We had a pleasant conversation along the way, but when we arrive at the airport and we talk about splitting the fare (about $15), he gives me a $10 bill and asks specifically for a $20.

I was about to give it to him until it dawned on me that I would be giving him $10 and I still have to pay the complete fare. So I gave him back his $10 and ask if he has $7, which he did.

About a second after he got out of the cab, I realized he was trying to pull the old grifter scam (just watch "The Grifters"). He probably pulls this on every business trip, even if just nets him $20.

I wish I remembered his name, so I can give him the same treatment John Cusack received after being caught doing his scam...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I've read this a few times and still can't figure out why it'd ever cross your mind to do anything but laugh in his face when he asked for a $20.

Maybe employees like you are what cause your product to be such a system hog? :banana:


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I've read this a few times and still can't figure out why it'd ever cross your mind to do anything but laugh in his face when he asked for a $20.

Maybe employees like you are what cause your product to be such a system hog? :banana:
Well, I think the trick is this wasn't a total stranger asking for change, but an attendee of a convention which I was at, who I had a friendly conversation for the entire taxi ride, who tried to scam me at a moment of confusion, when I was talking with the cabbie as we were figuring out where to let us off.

It is easy to say it was scam, but throw a little misdirection in, and I bet a lot of people would not have even realized what happened.

BTW, how is my awareness for scammers affect our hoggish software?