
100 ft drop? Thats what the word is.


Oct 8, 2003
Seattle, WA
El Caballo said:
Skiers aren't sticking the 100+ footers, really. They're backslapping (or hip-checking) and skiing away before the cloud of snow dissipates. You can't backslap on a mountain bike.

Plus, you can easily check your speed on skis, even on the steepest slopes. There's not much to be done on a steep MTB tranny but ride it out. Even if someone lands the 100-foot drop, it'll be really hard to not eat it going 70+ down the rest of the slope.

For these reasons, I'm confident that skiers will always be able to go bigger than mountain bikers.
Yeah, you're definitely right. The biggest drop I have ever done on skis was only 8', but the landing was steep and had two feet of near-powder, and a couple more of firmer snow, so it was incredibly smooth. Way smoother than most four-footers on my bike.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 14, 2001
at the end of the longest line
ioscope said:
Zedro was confused.
He may have been referring to terminal velocity
just plain old messed up...there are three equations you can use, 2 of them (which i remember off the top of my head) use time in the equation. The third one (which obviously i didnt remember correctly) doesnt need time because its factored out of the first two, so its a bit of a short-cut....guess i pooched the shortcut. :blah: