
11 month old tornado survivor


Chelsea from Seattle
Apr 28, 2007
Or the millions of them suffering and dying from disease and malnutrition across the world. God is picky.

But I agree it's a neat story.

That's a cool story, but proof of the existence of god? No.

If you don't mind (OP, not BS), how did you come to be a biologist/ evolution sceptic? I was under the impression that there aren't very many of those.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
Or the millions of them suffering and dying from disease and malnutrition across the world. God is picky.

But I agree it's a neat story.
That one I have pondered and decided they are victims of politics. Plenty of food and medicine, but warlords in africa don't let the stuff go through or take it for their on military.

The others that pass away I have not formed an opinion on. Your point that if there is a God, then why does he take back babies is one the most profound questions in life.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005

That's a cool story, but proof of the existence of god? No.

If you don't mind (OP, not BS), how did you come to be a biologist/ evolution sceptic? I was under the impression that there aren't very many of those.

Baculum- why don't I have one. Almost every other mammal has one. Look it up.

And few other experiences that I rather not share for various reasons, too long, don't want to explain them, I have not always been a saint (and I'm not now), stuff like that.

My biggest issue with evolution is too much time spent talking about. Talk about the biological mechanisms in place now. Young people need to learn more about anatomy and phys than charle's monkey trials.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Baculum- why don't I have one. Almost every other mammal has one. Look it up.
The baculum (also penis bone, penile bone or os penis) is a bone found in the penis of most mammals. It is absent in humans, equids, marsupials, lagomorphs, and hyenas, amongst others..

That's not a very good justification for not believing in a very sound theory.

Edit: And since "evolution" isnt even something observable in the sense of a "personal experience" I dont see how that could really factor in.

My biggest issue with evolution is too much time spent talking about. Talk about the biological mechanisms in place now. Young people need to learn more about anatomy and phys than charle's monkey trials.
Actually evolution isn't talked about near enough in my opinion. If people actually understood it, it wouldn't be the issue some people pretend it is. But either way, there really isn't a "debate" about it any longer.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
Wondered who would look it up:)

The baculum (also penis bone, penile bone or os penis) is a bone found in the penis of most mammals. It is absent in humans, equids, marsupials, lagomorphs, and hyenas, amongst others...
why does EVERY OTHER PRIMATE have one but humans?? Surely Shirly evolution would encourage it?? Efficient, easier fornication, quick.

Edit: And since "evolution" isnt even something observable in the sense of a "personal experience" I dont see how that could really factor in..
Just a factor when I want equally weight the possibilities of both.

Actually evolution isn't talked about near enough in my opinion. If people actually understood it, it wouldn't be the issue some people pretend it is. But either way, there really isn't a "debate" about it any longer.
I'm not anti discuss evolution, but don't kill a dead horse...or monkey for that matter (it was pounded in at HS and college to me- i could have learned HPLC instead). It's not like history- you can't change it in the future if it is true so focus on what you know and can change now.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Wondered who would look it up:)

why does EVERY OTHER PRIMATE have one but humans?? Surely Shirly evolution would encourage it?? Efficient, easier fornication, quick.
Actually i didnt have to look it up, but just did a quick cut n' paste because it's one of those typical anti-evolution points people are so quick to cite.

Anyway, there's lots of morphological differences between humans and other primates... lack of hair, foot shape, etc, voice boxes. In fact, usually something that drives speciation is reproductive isolation due to a morphological change in or around the genital area. Id say that a baculum or lack thereof is clearly a product of, and probably more a cause of evolution than an indictment against. Recall that a mountain gorilla's penis is only millimeters long.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
I have never heard this arguement before, but I'm glad I'm not original.

As far as hair, I believe we have the same number of hair follicles as apes, just shorter/thinner hair.

Your points are obviously valid and I don't' plan on Flatlining tonight, being shocked back and trying to agree on a conclusion.

I think Eisnstein said something to the effect "either everything is a miracle or nothing is."

Also, here's an article from some renound science guy.

The ironic thing about this thread is I'm not really a absolute proponent of declaring there is a GOd- it would be great to have such assurance and faith because you would not fear death. I am struggling w/both sides in my head and take this position to engage you in creative dialogue.

Obviously you can't show me proof there is not God and I can't find proof that there is.

FYI, arguements in math can also support a world outside ours, but I am not a physicist. Not really a great movie, but for those on a journy it's worth checking out: http://www.whatthebleep.com/
the movie Pi was also very good.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Spin, I dont discount the possibility that there is a god in any way. I have the same questions myself of course, but I do question his supposed methods when it comes to being an interventionist in the "real world" because they're never consistent or logical as far as I can tell. He either doesnt exist, doesnt get involved, or doesnt act fairly when he does.

But either way, evolution is neither here nor there in that argument, unless you're a bible literalist.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
He either doesnt exist, doesnt get involved, or doesnt act fairly when he does.


Not sure if you have to be so absolute about involvement and fairness, maybe a combination depending on circumstance and getting people to learn what we're supposed to learn in life (again, based on the assumption if there is a God).

All I want to say about the Bible is that it is written, transcribed at the vary least, by men.

But articles like this do get me thinking:)