
135x10 hub in 150x12 frame....

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
I want two sets of wheels for convenience at DH races, and the only thing stopping me from using the ones off of my hardtail is that my DHi is 150x12 and my hardtail 135x10.

Occurs to me though, I could get this working, need 3 things:

1) a 150 x 10mm axle
2) new axle holders (DHi has reversible 12mm ones to alter chainstay length, so I need reversible 10mm ones).
3) 15mm spacer to sit between axle and frame
4) 15mm spacer to space my disc out in line with my caliper.

Seems a bit shady, especially #4, whaddya think? I could try and space on the cassette side instead, especially since I have a 7speed-on-9speed-spacing cassette with a bunch of spacers behind it at the moment.

I suppose from a dishing point of view I should get a 7.5mm spacer on either side instead of 15mm on one or the other.

That could work nicely since I could simply put 7.5mm worth of spacers in front of my cassette on the 150mm hub, and when I put the 135mm hub + spacer in put the cassette spacers behind instead, thus leaving my chainline/gears unaffected.

Then I need a 7.5mm spacer between my hub and rotor. Game on!

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
Actually, reading back through that it sounds like a lot of hard work, maybe I'd rather spend the £200 on a wheel :P
Oct 30, 2006
And dont forget youd have tu put a hole bunch of spacers on you brake caliper to make your rear brake fit on your "135mm spaced rotor". Its never gonna work and if it does, something is gonna break for sure .Just shell out 150$ and buy a used hadley150mm wheel on egay...


Turbo Monkey
Jan 18, 2005
And dont forget youd have tu put a hole bunch of spacers on you brake caliper to make your rear brake fit on your "135mm spaced rotor". Its never gonna work and if it does, something is gonna break for sure .Just shell out 150$ and buy a used hadley150mm wheel on egay...
Im with you itll be better to just buy another rear wheel.


Jun 5, 2007
Cant put a spacer both sides cause your derailleur hanger cannot be spaced that far away from your cassette cogs. You'd never get correct shifting.

If you really want to do it, stick with your original idea. Rotor spacer is gonna be your toughest problem.

You'll also need to redish your wheel, since it's dished for 135, if you put it oh a 150 rear it won't be centered. You can normally re-dish without a total rebuild. Just loosen one side 2 or 3 turns and tighten the other. I used to do this when I had a Chumba F4. They used a 135mm hub thats dished to 150, cool idea, it creates a dishless wheel with a 135mm hub. But it's a pain if you need to borrow a wheel at a race.

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
Old Sckool - if you read again you'll see that actually I CAN put a spacer on the cassette side with no effect on shifting. And that means I don't have the dishing problem either.

Still think it's a crap idea and i should just buy another wheel though :P


"S" is for "neo-luddite"
Aug 27, 2002
Seb - just buy a second hand wheel. - esp if it's for a spare to take to races.
I just got a brand new 150x12 wheel with brand new Sram cassette off Ebay for £50 posted.