
2’sday gmt


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
hello all

after working 1.5 shifts yesterday (to cover a co-worker whose dad is in the ICU) I'm working a full day today. Got my easy Peloton spin in this morning: Lactate test tomorrow at 10 AM so no exercise after 10 AM today.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Is this some sort of breast-feeding thing? :confused:

Going to end up with two main sets of data: blood lactate levels versus power, and what fuel is being burned versus power. Like these curves, only my numbers will be lower since I'm not training for 15-20 hours/week and all.

That's watts on the x-axis, lactate in mmol/l on y-axis.

Hopefully will have a higher rate of fat oxidation than the second curve--picked it from search, but that's actually the profile of someone not getting enough low intensity base hours in, who can only burn sugar, basically.
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Montana rider

Turbo Monkey
Mar 14, 2005
If there is one downside to MMJ/legalization it's that "my friend" lost all his connections to black market psychedelics.

And I suspect that "his" ~14+ year old bag of shrooms he archived for when the Yellowstone Caldera blows aren't psychoactive any more.


Poking around the interwebs re: Colorado / WA it appears the legal change was more for decriminalization sake than for public sale.

I gather there's also online sales of spores for the "good" kind of mushrooms, but who has time for that...

Where is @TN when you need him?!?!

In any case, happy Bicycle Day to those that partake!

"Bicycle Day"
Not to be confused with the United Nations designated World Bicycle Day.
Bicycle Day
LSD blotter commemorating Bicycle Day
CelebrationsConsumption of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
ObservancesHonors the anniversary of the first ever acid trip, undergone by Swiss chemist Dr. Albert Hofmann on April 19, 1943 in Basel, Switzerland.
DateApril 19
Next time19 April 2023
On April 19, 1943, Hofmann ingested 0.25 milligrams (250 micrograms) of the substance. Less than one hour later, Hofmann experienced sudden and intense changes in perception. He asked his laboratory assistant to escort him home. As was customary in Basel, they made the journey by bicycle. On the way, Hofmann's condition rapidly deteriorated as he struggled with feelings of anxiety, alternating in his beliefs that the next-door neighbor was a malevolent witch, that he was going insane, and that the LSD had poisoned him. When the house doctor arrived, however, he could detect no physical abnormalities, save for a pair of incredibly dilated pupils. Hofmann was reassured, and soon his terror began to give way to a sense of good fortune and enjoyment, as he later wrote...

"... Little by little I could begin to enjoy the unprecedented colors and plays of shapes that persisted behind my closed eyes. Kaleidoscopic, fantastic images surged in on me, alternating, variegated, opening and then closing themselves in circles and spirals, exploding in colored fountains, rearranging and hybridizing themselves in constant flux ..."
The events of the first LSD trip, now known as “Bicycle Day”, after the bicycle ride home, proved to Hofmann that he had indeed made a significant discovery: a psychoactive substance with extraordinary potency, capable of causing significant shifts of consciousness in incredibly low doses. Hofmann foresaw the drug as a powerful psychiatric tool; because of its intense and introspective nature, he couldn't imagine anyone using it recreationally.[7] Bicycle Day is increasingly observed in psychedelic communities as a day to celebrate the discovery of LSD.[8][9][10]

The celebration of Bicycle Day originated in DeKalb, Illinois, in 1985, when Thomas B. Roberts, then a Professor at Northern Illinois University, invented the name "Bicycle Day"[a] when he founded the first celebration at his home.[11] Several years later, he sent an announcement made by one of his students to friends and Internet lists, thus propagating the idea and the celebration. His original intent was to commemorate Hofmann's original, accidental exposure on April 16, but that date fell midweek and was not a good time for the party, so he chose the 19th to honor Hofmann's first intentional exposure.[11][12][13]


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Commerce City starts like a block and a half away from me. I'll wave to your truck if it passes by