So N8, if we never started the war, and instead spent those many billions of dollars on things like automotive safety or air-conditioning for the poor in Chicago, what would you have to say to that?
What's worse is that all these arguments are evolving around numbers, not the sanctity of life. Intent has everything to do with this argument, and reflects the nature of the offender. Any death has tragedy involved, so why are we trying to justify causing more?
N8 would probably, as a matter of principle, oppose the use of his hard earned tax dollars on things private industry is capable of solving on their own. Those poor people are just lazy and don't need any more government hand outs.
Of course for 300 billion dollars we could probably have developed nuclear fusion, and had a clean non -polluting energy source that would free us from needing foreign oil forever. Or given every American man, woman and child a thousand dollar check. That would make the $600 check my entire family received from Bush's tax cut look like chump change.
Of course for 300 billion dollars we could probably have developed nuclear fusion, and had a clean non -polluting energy source that would free us from needing foreign oil forever.
There are a few simple things we "westerners" in general, and US citizens in particular, can do:
consume less,
buy a diesel engined car and run it on pure biodiesel (no petro diesel mix)
that will do allot for nature and the people of the world.
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