
2007 NMBS Tentative Schedule


May 4, 2005
The resorts people on the East Coast want races at, are having their own successful races now and I assume don't NEED a National to make money.

The biggest thing none of us know in this whole series is the combined needs of the individual venues that applied for a National this year. Contingent upon whatever time constraints each venue has, those may not mesh with the calender of the overall Nat. Series. Sugar is doing NORBA a favor by filling in a big TIME GAP by hosting a July event in '07. From what I got from Sugar, NORBA asked them to be in the series in '07. Sugar said they would give them an answer after they met to determine whether the '06 was financially WORTH having gone through. NORBA asked if Sugar could do a July timeslot instead of June to help fill in calender gaps other venues couldn't cover and Sugar decided to facilitate.

If Sugar had anything, like say their yearly lift inspection, scheduled in July, you could count on a big fat VOID in the National schedule.

For whatever reasons financially and fiscally, resorts aren't keen to getting a massive staff together for a small mid-summer single weekend event. They'd much rather either use their step down staff remaining from Winter operations to carry them through something like a National or a ramp up to the Nat in the fall and use the staff from it to prep for the Winter coming.

THAT is why you see that big void in the middle of the schedule. As to why there are no East Coast venues on the schedule, try writing the resorts here and asking them if they even applied for a Nat. in '07 and if yes or no what their reasons were.

I think you'll find not so many venues here applied as compared to out West.

To NORBA's credit...they've been chasing a resort in this region for years to get a Nat. back in the Southeast. It just hadn't come about until '06.

finally someone giving a short explanation about this whole deal...there is way more to it then, "hey we want to have a rece at this location" some resorts just aren't into the effort it takes for what they get.
i know that the guys running the Norba series would love to have all super killer location....why would they not?

sometimes a series sponsor will make a request for a location....sometimes a location that would be great for the event will actually cost the series and the mountain money to hold it.

sometimes they have stuff other events scheduled in the time slots that are open for the series.

i don't think all the locations are ideal by no means, but i also know that behind the scenes there is alot going on that people don't hear about or understand.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
Good example of an unavoidable scheduling conflict. US Open and Fort Bill. Those venues didn't do it to spite one another. The massive amount of planning behind the scenes of a single resort to coordinate staff, sponsors, weather, maintenance, new construction, other events non bike related along with a hard date are usually done even before they gear up for Winter operations. They pre-order marketing materials, co-ordinate staffing, develop an expense budget, lease necessary equipment, organize with local media...you name it.

When 2 major events come across each other, there is no backing down by either because the date in and of itself has boatloads of money behind it.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Good example of an unavoidable scheduling conflict. US Open and Fort Bill. Those venues didn't do it to spite one another. The massive amount of planning behind the scenes of a single resort to coordinate staff, sponsors, weather, maintenance, new construction, other events non bike related along with a hard date are usually done even before they gear up for Winter operations. They pre-order marketing materials, co-ordinate staffing, develop an expense budget, lease necessary equipment, organize with local media...you name it.

When 2 major events come across each other, there is no backing down by either because the date in and of itself has boatloads of money behind it.
To be fair, the US Open is always memorial day weekend.


Turbo Monkey
yeah, that is there niche for sure. good for them. Best race of the year for those that aren't doing wc's.. Sunday River is no more out of the way than a race in Cali!?!!?! If we are speaking geographically. If we are speaking in terms of population density, then wtf do the lemmings know anyways ;)


Turbo Monkey
Apr 17, 2004
Well we'd like to blow off a number of nationals, actually most of them since there are only 2 or so that are reasonable to travel to and are actually good courses. Problem is that we have a number of riders going for the Worlds Team so we're kinda obligated to go. Dragging the trailer out east in not likely though, it's cheaper to just fly. I feel for you East coasters but at least you have a really good reason to skip out.

Go-Ride.com Race Team


Dec 12, 2005
Good example of an unavoidable scheduling conflict. US Open and Fort Bill. Those venues didn't do it to spite one another. The massive amount of planning behind the scenes of a single resort to coordinate staff, sponsors, weather, maintenance, new construction, other events non bike related along with a hard date are usually done even before they gear up for Winter operations. They pre-order marketing materials, co-ordinate staffing, develop an expense budget, lease necessary equipment, organize with local media...you name it.

When 2 major events come across each other, there is no backing down by either because the date in and of itself has boatloads of money behind it.

plus its not like the U.S. Open had a bad turnout...


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
finally someone giving a short explanation about this whole deal...there is way more to it then, "hey we want to have a rece at this location" some resorts just aren't into the effort it takes for what they get.
i know that the guys running the Norba series would love to have all super killer location....why would they not?

sometimes a series sponsor will make a request for a location....sometimes a location that would be great for the event will actually cost the series and the mountain money to hold it.

sometimes they have stuff other events scheduled in the time slots that are open for the series.

i don't think all the locations are ideal by no means, but i also know that behind the scenes there is alot going on that people don't hear about or understand.
Yeah, I know. Still, the fact remains that I want to race more and get better talent pools. I can't travel across the country. It's not my job to schedule events and pick mountains. That's what I fork over 70 bucks for someone else to do and that's why my race license fees are what they are.


Feb 5, 2003
Santa Clara
san jose? i know of a few places that would be kiiiiiiiiiilller for an xc and a super d. too bad they'll probably put it somewhere lame. at least i'll be able to ride my bike to the race.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
Well we'd like to blow off a number of nationals, actually most of them since there are only 2 or so that are reasonable to travel to and are actually good courses. Problem is that we have a number of riders going for the Worlds Team so we're kinda obligated to go. Dragging the trailer out east in not likely though, it's cheaper to just fly. I feel for you East coasters but at least you have a really good reason to skip out.

Go-Ride.com Race Team
Tell Del Bosco and Johnson to bring 2 of everything this time. When they left Sugar, those dudes were low on parts to say the least. Good guys too. If I get in a bar fight, Matt's on my team. You can have JP.

You guys should make it f'ing mandatory that JP has to attend next year......:cheers:


May 4, 2005
Yeah, I know. Still, the fact remains that I want to race more and get better talent pools. I can't travel across the country. It's not my job to schedule events and pick mountains. That's what I fork over 70 bucks for someone else to do and that's why my race license fees are what they are.
i'm with ya on that...try 150 bones for the pro license, we don't get anything extra for the difference in cost.

i wish that the talent pool was higher as well, the reality is that you get about the same level really at the local and state series events...especially in colorado, but you always race the same people.

my comment was mostly towards the people who just pipe up and say the Norba series isn't trying to do anything......
it makes no sense for them to take that stance, to deliberately run the series into the ground makes no sense.
i know for a fact they want to do better things for the sport,
most just have no idea about the limitations they run up against....


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
a-town biatches
originally posted by bizutch: dude...that lawn chair in the back of a pickup...I mean Hot Seat...is so worth the pro license fee!
well if its worth it then just steal it :banana:.

ohh well my only grip is the prices of race fees and licenses that we are having to deal with now, but other than that i do my best to enjoy every course and every race. going to the race with a good attitude seems to make the race that much better, and it seems to help the sceptics out a little bit too.


Jul 9, 2002
Tell Del Bosco and Johnson to bring 2 of everything this time. When they left Sugar, those dudes were low on parts to say the least. Good guys too. If I get in a bar fight, Matt's on my team. You can have JP.

You guys should make it f'ing mandatory that JP has to attend next year......:cheers:
yea right


Turbo Monkey
Jun 5, 2005
I am going back for Sugar, one of the best, if not the best, races I have been to in years. Yes it was run by a bunch of hydrosyphallics, but the course was kick ass (thanks Wind Rock crew) and even the joke of a DS was entertaining.

Maybe this year I'll get to hit that water gap in the DH...


Turbo Monkey
Apr 17, 2004
yeah, we'll have to make do with our multiple well-run local series races and kick-ass lifter serviced riding. but I'd trade it all in a heartbeat for 400' of vert shuttled up in a pickup... oh wait, no i wouldn't. :bonk:
Heh, what i meant was it kinda sucks that there aren't really the east vs west battles that i remember when i went out east for nats back in 2000. You do still have Vt though.

Sponsorship wise it's a lot better to have national finishes rather than telling Fox or someone about how you killed everyone at your local series and how you should get picked up as a factory rider.

Hopefully someday we could have a West series and an East series and a Championship east vs west race like they do in Supercross Lites racing. We do have an awefully large country.



Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
yup, it's definitely weird. the northeast is where its at for local races and just general DH scene, with racers having to actually turn down races since there's so many they overlap, and yet the NMBS sort of treats us as an afterthought.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
....but the course was kick ass (thanks Wind Rock crew) Maybe this year I'll get to hit that water gap in the DH...
ahem...DH not done by Windrock crew. Done by JeremyR, SoEastMatt,Guard,psycle-on,Steven,Randy,Ellen, me, Taz and several others who care....:cupidarrow:

Additional props go to Iron Horse/Honda and Morewood crews, profro, Herndon and a few others for all coming up early the weekend before Sugar and putting on the finishing touches.

Also ups to Sugar's staff, i.e. Eric Schmidinger and the earth moving equipment for filling in impossible holes that 99% of you will never know existed!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
a-town biatches
Originally Posted by bizutch
ahem...DH not done by Windrock crew. Done by JeremyR, SoEastMatt,Guard,psycle-on,Steven,Randy,Ellen, me, Taz and several others who care....
and well because of all these boys sugar now has an awsome dh course. i have a good feeling if you guys come to the norba event at sugar you wont even care that norba is running it.:cheers:

ohh and again butch good work man if you need any help this year let me know ill be more than happy to help you guys out man.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
this schedule looks incredibly lame... sonoma dh - that course was ok for a local race, but not "national" quality.

Also, are there only 4 DH races all year? Is that some kind of afterthought or what?!

What's funny is that for 3 or 4 years, people have sworn they're boycotting norba & all that junk... 4 years later, norba's still here with even lamer courses... any thoughts?!


Aug 17, 2004
Napa, CA
What's funny is that for 3 or 4 years, people have sworn they're boycotting norba & all that junk... 4 years later, norba's still here with even lamer courses... any thoughts?!
DH does seem like an afterthought. For many people boycotting Norba would mean not racing at all (I think) so thats why you still see it around putting out crappy venues.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 5, 2005
ahem...DH not done by Windrock crew. Done by JeremyR, SoEastMatt,Guard,psycle-on,Steven,Randy,Ellen, me, Taz and several others who care....:cupidarrow:

Additional props go to Iron Horse/Honda and Morewood crews, profro, Herndon and a few others for all coming up early the weekend before Sugar and putting on the finishing touches.

Also ups to Sugar's staff, i.e. Eric Schmidinger and the earth moving equipment for filling in impossible holes that 99% of you will never know existed!
My most sincere apologies, it was just so good that it smacked of the WR kind of goodness. My intent was not to offend, just to thank those involved.

So, my thanks to you. I did most of the NMBS races this year, and by far and away NC was the best. If we ever meet, I'll buy each and every one of you a 40 of OE to show my appreciation.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 5, 2005
this schedule looks incredibly lame... sonoma dh - that course was ok for a local race, but not "national" quality.

Also, are there only 4 DH races all year? Is that some kind of afterthought or what?!

What's funny is that for 3 or 4 years, people have sworn they're boycotting norba & all that junk... 4 years later, norba's still here with even lamer courses... any thoughts?!

Someone else has said this already, if you're trying to whore out for sponsors, it looks a hell of a lot better to show some national placings as opposed to kicking ass in some local events.

I am a pretty good example of this. I am not all that great of a rider, but I had the money this summer to be able to hit a lot of events. So long as I was willing to speak well of my sponsors and their product, they were good with sending me a kick down on prices and gear.

Truth be told, having to travel this year actually made me a much better rider. While Sonoma ate more rooster then Paris Hilton in a night vision rodeo, it was fun just for going out. Would I prefer if each and every event was a North Carolina or Mammoth? You bet your momma's fake teeth I would, but as someone else also said, some places just can't make the all needed "cash connection" with racing.

What we really need is an urban DH in San Fran or somewhere of that ilk. Why should Lisbon have all the fun.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
What we really need is an urban DH in San Fran or somewhere of that ilk. Why should Lisbon have all the fun.
SF doesn't really have the elevation for an urban dh right in town... it could probably be done off of twin peaks though :)