
2012 OneGhost Musashi


Aug 27, 2009
State College, PA
My buddy rides for the One Ghost factory team and raves about his. I took it for a test drive around the lot a few times and it seemed to pedal VERY well. I unfortunately havn't been able to ride it on trails so I can't comment too much.

That being said, I find it odd that someone wants to trade you a brand new bike for one that is 2 yrs old, raises some red flags for me. If you are able to check it out look for anything wrong and also make sure it is a production 2012 frame and not a prototype. I also pedaled my buddies prototype frame around the lot (before they got the linkage sorted) and it did NOT pedal so well. In fact, the difference between the proto and the production are night and day.

If everything is legit, I would personally be intereseted, as the musashi is on my short list when I am due for a new frame. Hope that helps!


Aug 27, 2009
State College, PA
that is his job
Lol, yeah but he seems to go pretty freaking fast on it. Also, I know the guy personally and ride/shuttle with him all the time, so I hope he wouldn't bullsh*t me. Next time we go out (hopefully within the week) i'll see if he'll let me take a run on it. If so i will report back my findings.