If anyone is curious to try the Dapilten headset - I can fire mine out to you for cheap...not really spam, I will explain...I'm about 6' tall and the bike felt slightly short...I ordered the dapilten headset that Brendog uses( +1 degree/+9mm reach external cups)....He's like 6'2"/6'3"...the bike felt a little long - i was surprised as I thought 9mm would barely be noticeable. I ended up order the +6mm cups and its all good...they work with the stock syncros bits, but Sergio(the machinist that makes them) sells them with a Shimano PRO headset - http://www.cambriabike.com/Ri11-Is-11-8-Headset.asp?gclid=CjkKEQjwxN6dBRDavZLpufuu9L8BEiQA4Vx1b9UI-FEMcM-wD_BjNvgsDKqYKtIsyP06RZw9S-uUV3bw_wcB
If anyone wants to try mine you can have the cups for $50...I hate for them to just go to waste as it's a nice piece of machinework and I won't be using them.
If anyone is curious to try the Dapilten headset - I can fire mine out to you for cheap...not really spam, I will explain...I'm about 6' tall and the bike felt slightly short...I ordered the dapilten headset that Brendog uses( +1 degree/+9mm reach external cups)....He's like 6'2"/6'3"...the bike felt a little long - i was surprised as I thought 9mm would barely be noticeable. I ended up order the +6mm cups and its all good...they work with the stock syncros bits, but Sergio(the machinist that makes them) sells them with a Shimano PRO headset - http://www.cambriabike.com/Ri11-Is-11-8-Headset.asp?gclid=CjkKEQjwxN6dBRDavZLpufuu9L8BEiQA4Vx1b9UI-FEMcM-wD_BjNvgsDKqYKtIsyP06RZw9S-uUV3bw_wcB
If anyone wants to try mine you can have the cups for $50...I hate for them to just go to waste as it's a nice piece of machinework and I won't be using them.
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