LiBeRaL iNdOcTrInAtIoNSo Haley listens to a lot of the same music that Wifey and I do, mostly mine because she spends a lot of time driving with me. That means a lot of punk. Now that she's starting to know a lot of it, she's been asking what the songs mean, so I tell her on some of them. One today was about people being left behind by the rich, so she asked me to explain that. She hears me and MIL discussing/debating Bernie/Warren vs. Biden, so she hears us talking about the super rich and healthcare already. I just gave her the 2nd grade level of the conversation.
I explained how much money a billion dollars is to Haley this morning and how much Bloomberg has spent on the election, compared to how much we have saved up (not giving #'s, duh). She knows that we are pretty well off, both based on where we live (our city), but where in our city we live, the fact that we have 5 cars (2 new), and we can for the most part get whatever we want - a lot of the kids in her school don't, so she realizes that she's on a different level (minus the kid whose mom has a Maserati). I explained how Bloomberg's $500mm spending on ads is the same as if we were to buy a pair of Apple earbuds. And that if you spend $1,000/hr, assuming 2% interest and 50% tax on the gains, you would never be able to spend it all. She, as a 7 y/o just went slack jawed and said that he needs to pay his share because it's not fair people sleep on the street and he has more than he can spend. A 7 y/o can figure this out. What the fuck is wrong with our country when fucking adults can't figure out simple concepts that a fucking 2nd grader can understand?