
20mm axles and pegs: Act 2


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
I actually figured this all out and did it a while ago, then changed my mind about running pegs on a 26. Now I'm itchin to grind something so they might go on anyways.
There's kind of a bit of work to do and the set up, in my opinion, is a tad heavy. But there are things to do to even it out a bit. This for a MARZ axle, don't have any other brands around to mess with, but feel free to mail me yours and I'll see if I can not mess it up for ya!
Here we go...
What you need: a 37/64ths drill bit(we've all got one of THOSE in the drillbit drawer!), a 16mmx1.50 tap(same drawer as the drillbit), a 16mm x 1.50 bolt atleast like 30mm in length, I wanted to be sure it had plenty of support, so mine are like 50mm long. I guess I'd suggest trying to be sure the threads go in past the clamp area of the fork. That should be plenty.
I had issues with trying to clamp the stupid axle without crushing it, scratching it or spinning it in the plastic vice clamps I bought JUST for the stupid axle..until it finally occurred to me to put it back in the damn bike, and bolt it down. I drilled one side out by hand. That's a little sketchy, but it tapped just fine. The other side I did at work on the lathe. That's the way to go if you have access.
The threads you'll be putting in are the same as the original, so the factory end bolt still works just fine. It DOES change the profile of the existing threads a bit, but nothing fits any differently in the end.
Now find the peg of your choice, one big enough to allow the round hex head to slip inside. You'll have to enlarge it somehow as the bolt is a 16mm. You'll also need to find/make a small washer to space the peg away from the fork leg, OR buff the peg down a little where it will hit, asuming the peg has enough material on it to do this. Would also prevent the peg from spinning if you get lucky with your peg size choice or research it a little.
You'll also need to remember what steel does when it couples with aluminum too long, so you may want to put some kind electrical grease or something in the threads to prevent corrosion/siezing. I don't really know. You'd have to check the bolt often if you did this, but it's prob a good idea anyway.
Ways to easily improve this setup: shorter bolt. Titanium bolt(good luck?), or buy a few 16mm x 1.50 nuts while you're ordering the bolts, lock them together on the bolt, pop it in a lathe, and drill the center out. Threaded shafts in a lathe don't hold so well. Can also spend a little cash and get some Ti pegs and then you basically only have the weight of the bolts to gripe about.
Good luck!



Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
Even if you don't run pegs (like me) you can at least appreciate the effort put into the writeup, and the desire for many people to do this, especially with the onslaught of half MTB half BMX bikes out there. I'd like to see you guys contribute a percent of this post's importance to RM, then you can talk.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
I'm always impressed with the effort dorks put into having to figure out how to type something completely usless and doing it in the minimum five required characters to do it. And then there's those who can't even think of their own, they just point to the dork above them. Silly kids...

Now, if you kids are that bored, go read the "best fork for 24's and pegs" thread and you'll find numerous peeps looking for ways to put pegs on 20mm forks.
I don't run pegs either, just wanted to know if it's easily possible if I ever wanted to. Now everything's set up so when I hit a park and feel the need I can just toss them on and learn countless new style points. Well...TRY anyway...


Aug 6, 2006
I'm always impressed with the effort dorks put into having to figure out how to type something completely usless and doing it in the minimum five required characters to do it. And then there's those who can't even think of their own, they just point to the dork above them. Silly kids...

Now, if you kids are that bored, go read the "best fork for 24's and pegs" thread and you'll find numerous peeps looking for ways to put pegs on 20mm forks.
I don't run pegs either, just wanted to know if it's easily possible if I ever wanted to. Now everything's set up so when I hit a park and feel the need I can just toss them on and learn countless new style points. Well...TRY anyway...
Thanks for postin that, ive always been curious about that and am thinkin about buying an extra axel just to try it out.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2004
pretty cool. i was thinking of putting on some sort of profile tofu peg on my tonic. maybe a shortened pleg or demolition dumbchuck dealio


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
How's the Pleg work? Is it steel/Al in the middle or solid plastic or ? Not all that keen on metal pegs if I WAS to run them, too loud and this is an unforgiving town. Guess I could always just go look it up... but apparently feeling lazy...


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
Several reasons. First, you can't really grind aluminum. It sticks and 'tears" before it'll slide. Second is mill time. Not sure if you can just go buy a cut-to-fit chunk of 20mm shaft. And if you could, you need a way to compress the hub a bit, so you'd actually need to buy it oversized, then step it down, then drill and tap the other end anyway.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2004
How's the Pleg work? Is it steel/Al in the middle or solid plastic or ? Not all that keen on metal pegs if I WAS to run them, too loud and this is an unforgiving town. Guess I could always just go look it up... but apparently feeling lazy...
it's a plastic peg, not out yet but soon i hear. super durable though and like the plastic pedals, cheaper than it's alum. conterparts.




Dec 3, 2004
Christchurch, New Zealand
Maybe have a look at the material they use to make motorcycle crash bungs, might make good peg material, could drill it out to fit the cap screw that thrillseeka used in the first post...


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
I dunno, pegs are pretty cheap, and if the plegs are supposed to be cheaper it would be worth it to just buy the plegs, then spend the other 4 hours riding! That's just my synicism(sp?) talking, as I very frequently catch myself working on something for days and days, just to see if it would work. Hence this post...


Turbo Monkey
Nov 17, 2006
as a recent arrival to mtb from bmx, i don't get the point of having 20mm through axle hubs. someone on here said they are "stiffer." why would you want stiffness if you've got a suspension fork to make the ride _not_ stiff ? are they lighter b/c they are hollow? i know all the high end DJ forks are 20mm through axle, so this is a non-issue, but really, it seems like if a company wanted to build a street/dirt fork again, like the dstreet, they would just make the dropouts look like bmx forks, with a 3/8 axle. or, they could make a
peg boss forks (where the peg was mounted directly on the fork, not the axle) which were popular in the mid-90s. S&M, Hoffman, Standard, Basic, KHE, etc. all made them.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
The 20mm axles make the fork LEGS stiff, not the suspensions action. And susupension forks are already pretty hefty, with the oil, seals, springs, etc, so the lowers are magnesium to save weight. Not the strongest material in the world would be an understatement, and they are already prone to being porous, cracking, breaking, etc. Kinda makes you wonder why we all want one, huh?


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2004
as a recent arrival to mtb from bmx, i don't get the point of having 20mm through axle hubs. someone on here said they are "stiffer." why would you want stiffness if you've got a suspension fork to make the ride _not_ stiff ? are they lighter b/c they are hollow? i know all the high end DJ forks are 20mm through axle, so this is a non-issue, but really, it seems like if a company wanted to build a street/dirt fork again, like the dstreet, they would just make the dropouts look like bmx forks, with a 3/8 axle. or, they could make a
peg boss forks (where the peg was mounted directly on the fork, not the axle) which were popular in the mid-90s. S&M, Hoffman, Standard, Basic, KHE, etc. all made them.
i guess it sounds weird but makes sense to those who use em. most people want stiff suspension thats not a po-go stick for riding dirt/street. they also need the extra stiffness the 20mm dropouts provide because the fork is aluminum, not steel like bmx forks. if you're riding dirt j/street hard on an alum. fork with quick release drop outs, you'll have a greater chance of twisting/breaking the drop outs. this is just what i've seen personally. so a 20mm alum fork with lowered/ stiff suspension works best for me in these applications.