
24-hour bog of the Adirondacks?


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I wish I was going :( I am so broke my brothers kid has more money then me from her allowance. Jeez this bike racing stuff is damn expensive. Good luck JBP.....jdcamb
Our team, Hack, Wheeze, Cough, & Gasp Ltd. took 2nd place in the old fart's class with seventeen roughly nine mile laps.

The Flab Four took first, also with seventeen laps - beat us by one minute!

The winners of the next younger class did something like fourteen laps. We should have lied about our ages. :D

The race was a blast, although it's kind of hard to convince yourself of that about two thirty in the morning... :nopity:



Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
johnbryanpeters said:
Our team, Hack, Wheeze, Cough, & Gasp Ltd. took 2nd place in the old fart's class with seventeen roughly nine mile laps.

The Flab Four took first, also with seventeen laps - beat us by one minute!

The winners of the next younger class did something like fourteen laps. We should have lied about our ages. :D

The race was a blast, although it's kind of hard to convince yourself of that about two thirty in the morning... :nopity:


G R E A T J O B !!
splat said:
Nicely done JBP, so what were the conditions of the course like ?
Two halves.

The first half:

Some wet / muddy sections, not too bad, the worst was a muddy downhill into a hundred feet or so of very lumpy hummocks, standing water, and general crud, no good line through and lumps not visible. It stalled me a couple of times, but I avoided the swan dive face plants that some folks were performing.

One was actually fun - downhill into a nasty short moose sh1t mud bog, but there seemed to be a couple of 4x4s (remains of a pallet?) in line with the trail. Trick was to bomb down the hill and ride the skinny. Worked for me all but once, after my headlight had run out of battery, at which point I just splotched through it.

Second half:

Climb up, singletrack down, with one turn that downed me twice. The second time I got a bruise on my Monkeyfest arm, a bar stab in the leg, and a few minutes of trying to untangle myself from the bike while wondering if I was about to be run over by the next rider. Eventually I got untangled.

Another climb, a long one, followed by pretty straightforward downhill and about two real boring miles to the start/finish. Relatively flat, but enough minor hills to be a pain, no features of interest.


The portions that weren't singletrack were a track through wider mown paths for cross country skiing. During the night hours enough of it got wet and sticky enough to slow you down and make descents a little trickier.

Camping, allowed Saturday night only, was great. Plenty of room and we copped a spot right at the halfway point in the course, which helped our ability to predict when to expect a rider in.


Between the boring course and absolute lack of organization (no course marshals, even at night, and a thousand other things), we decided that even though we had a lot of fun, we're going to do Great Glen next year.