
24 hour race tips?


Nov 21, 2002
Pittsburgh, PA
Hey all, any tips you learned the hard way doing a 24 hour race? I have one in a week with a bunch of first-timers, and I would love some collective feedback from the group. The track is 12 miles, intermediate riding at a ski resort. Lots of tech riding and tight singletrack. Thanks!


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon

Bring lots of changes of clothes. It sucks riding in wet, smelly clothes. Bring some warm stuff in case the temp turns nasty. If you have extra gloves or helmets, bring them too.

Eat immediately after every lap even if you don't feel like it, this will help your recovery and keep you fueled for the whole race.

If you can, have someone as a crew manager to take care of the stuff you don't want to. Ours cooks our food, makes sure we're up for laps, keeps track of the lights and preps our bikes.

If it's in a sunny spot, bring some sort of canopy to sit under so you don't get too drained in the sun.

Bring extra bike parts - be prepared for everything to go wrong.

That's easy stuff off the top of my head.

Have fun! Which race is it?


Nov 21, 2002
Pittsburgh, PA
Originally posted by Heidi

Bring extra bike parts - be prepared for everything to go wrong.
... forgot to comment on this; good tip - we were riding the course today and i busted my derailleur hanger. my friend said "get 2 more". everything seems always new on my ride haha from all the replacement parts... :mad: ;)


Oct 29, 2002
Durango, CO
Originally posted by Airborne
Hey all, any tips you learned the hard way doing a 24 hour race? I have one in a week with a bunch of first-timers, and I would love some collective feedback from the group. The track is 12 miles, intermediate riding at a ski resort. Lots of tech riding and tight singletrack. Thanks!
Drink lots of water throughout, eat lots of pasta/carbs, rinse, wash, repeat.

And invite Heidi; she's great for filling in on bonk laps.