
24 Hour Ride Report (Laguna Seca)


Zonic Man

Well, the race started out INTERESTINGLY…to say the least. When Team MTBR-1 (aka Number plate 420) was doing their LeMans start, I was walking down the aisle of Sacramento Memorial Auditorium graduating from school. Following the graduation the family went over to a nice restaurant, got the grub on, said the requisite “roasting” things in various speeches about me, and spent good quality time together.

Immediately following dinner, Suzy and I RACED home to an already packed car. We hopped out of our dress clothes and into more appropriate attire for the 3-hour drive down to Laguna Seca.

After 3 Red Bulls and a half a can of Copenhagen, we arrive at the 24 hours of Adrenalin. Oh, what a site at 11 in the evening, hopped up on caffeine and ready to ride! I was SOOO fired up.

Suzy and I quickly hooked up with the team, emptied the car, pitched the tent, and I put on the appropriate bike clothing for my scheduled 2 a.m. lap.

We head over to the staging area, where I am instructed on what to do. You see, I’m a total 24 hours rookie. Hell, I had only done one other night ride before, and that was basically on a dirt bike path. Here I am going to be RACING at night on an 11 mile course. Whooo boy.

So all of a sudden, they yell, “TEAM 420!” and I see Mike round the corner into the staging area. He passes me the baton, and off I go!

The course starts (after the bridge) with a mellow climb up…. middle ring stuff. Then there was LOTS of fast, rutted, bumpy as hell singletrack…then a nice meandering climb up to hurl hill…then TONS of SWEET downhill, then a LONG ASS climb back out. I swear, the climb felt like forever! (It was really only about 3 miles, but FELT long at 2:45 a.m. after the day I had.) When I reached the top of the climb (where the sea otter dual slalom is) I gave out a loud “WOOOOOHOOOO” knowing it was all downhill from there. I rushed into the staging area, and heard some teammates yell out “Jed, is that you?” from the staging area….I hauled ass around the campground/course area, and came in to pass the baton to beautiful Laura, who was off on her lap. I checked my time and did a respectable 1:02 in the dark, out of my car, with no preparation. I wasn’t pleased, however, I wanted to be under an hour.

Off to sleep for 3 hours, up for coffee and another lap.

My morning lap was good…I did a 57 minute lap and took about a 1-2 minute break to talk to a friend of mine at aid station number 3 before the big climb.

I was pleased as punch with that.

All in all my 24 hours experience was freaking AWESOME. Major props go to Forrest and Richard for their 51-minute laps on DH bikes. That’s just sick.

HUGE props go out to MTBR-2 Singlespeed, who took home 2nd place in the 5 man division all on SINGLESPEEDS. You guys are SICK! Seriously tough…good performance. Are you guys sleeping like ALL day today or what? Mark Weir, you are one sick mofo. Still a rammer though. Guys, his laps weren’t 41s…. they were 40s! Holy S!

Special Props to Gina as well, for her 3-lap performance. That was great!

Camaraderie was there, the racing was there, the fun was there.

I’m glad I was able to be a part of…next year I’ll be there for the FULL deal!

Graduation with family.

Before my first lap. I'm nervous!

Coming in off a night lap


Morning lap finish. Suzy doesn't know how to pan too good.

Hanging out.



Oct 10, 2001
Congrats Jed!!! Glad you had a blast - see, didn't I tell you it was the experience of a lifetime?:D