
24 Hours of GreatGlen, 13-14 August

I just got a postcard to the effect that registration's open.

- They jacked the entry fee to $100/head.
- The event's on the Dirt Rag World Tour this year.
- Having raised the entry fee, they want each team to contribute a course volunteer.

We'll be there. jollytime, glad to hear you'll be there!

Arm On Fire

Jun 24, 2004
Exeter, NH & Acton, MA
Yup, I'll be doing it again.

The course was great last year I thought.
Better than in '03 where it rained the whole time!
Every time it rains when I'm riding I have flashbacks.

Team Red Caboose-Breathing heavy and pounding away in the back!

I may need a rider for my 4 man team, as I think a former team mate will be bailing on me, jumping the caboose so to speak.

Mainly for fun, so don't feel you gotta totally rip it up, so if there is anyone interested let me know.

About the volunteer issue, they changed it at the last minute last year due to everyone complaining.

I would imagine that people would complain. Last year was the first year we even had the luxury of a support crew. The parking and camping situation at the Glen is also very limited, so where would we put these extra people?

Whine, whine, whine, I know. :nopity: