
24 hours of Snowshoe


Mar 22, 2002
Dayton, OH
Hello all ! A newbie just wanted to see if anyone was doing Snowshoe this year. I'm going for the 2nd year. Last year was the year of the mud, hopefully not a repeat this year. Will be riding with "Dayton MTB Racing" For anyone who has not done 24 hour races they can be as fun or as competative as you want, even from one rider to another within a team! :cool:



Oct 10, 2001
Originally posted by Jebadiah
Hello all ! A newbie just wanted to see if anyone was doing Snowshoe this year. I'm going for the 2nd year. Last year was the year of the mud, hopefully not a repeat this year. Will be riding with "Dayton MTB Racing" For anyone who has not done 24 hour races they can be as fun or as competative as you want, even from one rider to another within a team! :cool:
NOT A CHANCE!!! Laird got my $300 last year - I wanted to do it to bid farewell to my 30s with a bang. Well, I did it, and this year I'm gonna use that money for race entries where I can actually ride more than I walk:eek:

Sorry to sound so bitter, but $300 is a lot of cash to me, and it was tough training for a solid year to ride that race, only to discover that it was more of a trail run than a bike race. I realize you can't control the weather, but I was disappointed especially when talking with Laird a mere two weeks later, only to have him tell me he realized halfway through the race that there were several routing options he could have used to make the trail somewhat more rider-friendly and doable:rolleyes:

I think I'll stick with the Adrenalin series (and some local stuff) this time around...

Y'all have fun, tho