
24 Hrs of pats peak, Race report. ( Ok the 12 Hr version )


Nam I am
Several of us were doing the pats Peak race as 2 Man 12 Hr teams , Mogalskr , Dalton Doug and My self. My parted was Mert a Guy who lives nerarby and who I ride with a bit.

Here are steeds are ready to go.

By the way he rides a 29er Single Speed

it was quite an event that they were putting on , first there was a DH race ,

we caught a little bit of the end of it .

Ut oh!!!

and then after the DH race came the XC race , there was a 6 Hr , 12 Hr and 24 Hr options to this race .

her eis the course , 5 Miles Long , 847 Feet of climbing per lap , Did I mention Mert was doing this on a Single Speed ? ( there were at least 3 other single speeders )

As we line up for the Start, here are Mogalskier and Dalton Doug, ( OK there backs )

The line up to Run , I'm in there ! Was not that Bad of a Run, only about 75 Yards across a ski trail grab the bikes and go.

now beinga Short course after we both did a lap we decided to try Double laps .

it was a Very humid day , it ( thankfully ) did not get as hot as predicted , but it was still plenty hot.

here I am coming through on My laps

Mert coming through on one of his laps .

as you can see looking at the map this course zig zags up the ski Hill

Mert going across one way

Now going the other way

one thing that was bad , was the MUD !! there was tones of it ! something about record rainfalls . ( random rider )

and they had a Band Playing for quite a While . they were an OK cover Band , But I rather enjoyed hearing them Play as I rode . and you could hear them on almost the entire course.

DaltonDoug going out to Kick some ass!

During my 4th lap things started to get interesting. halfway through the course I ran out of Brake pads in the rear. so it made for some interesting decents ( fast too! , helped with the time on that lap) , so After my 4th Lap I switched Bikes. I always Bring 2.
and And after Mert did his 4th lap when He got off , he said he probably would not be ready to do anothe lap when I got back :eek: Well I was feeling pretty good , it was going to be my first night lap , things had cooled off, so I said if he was there when I got back, I would just do a double. well the rest of lap went well, and when I got back Mert was there , but he said He was not ready yet , so I Felt good and went out to do another lap .

I got out there and I had just come out of the woods onto the ski hill when I can see a Bike in the middle of the trail and a Body laying down . I yell to him if he is OK, and he claims he is , and As I got to him, it was Douglas. he was just sitting on the ground tatally spent. He said he would be OK and I continued on, and he got up and started to follow me .

Here he is Behind me not far from where I found him

I was doing pretty good , and had just started the backsinde downhill single track! ( really really Fun!! , made all the climbing almost worth it ) and As I started , I hear that horrible noise of Sticks and Derailer in spokes !!! :eek:

Yup it was torn clean off, so I so I coasted down the hill and walked up the 2 smaller one back. and made it to the Exchange tent. But Douglas Never caught me and was still out . I was a little worried about him. but he came in about 5 minutes after me , and basically collasped .

and riding in and out of the Lights on the Ski Hillwas some what sureal , you come out of the woods in to brightly lit trails was very cool.

here is some what of how they looked

well Now Mert was out ther e, but We still had well over 2 hours to go, so It ment I would need to go aout again. I had a Spare LX derailer , ( but no cable ) so I put it on and tried to Put it in is smallest gear and Just ride it as a 3 speed . hen Mert came in I went back out, and for the Most part it worked except it was slowly drifting to a larger and larger gear , and then add teh Mud and My drive train was a mess. But I got through the lap with a Decent Time , with enough time for Mert to Get out again.

Here comes Whiley and Dalton Doug in to finish Up there race . ! They were leading for most of it, but they finished in 2nd Place!!!

here Comes Mert finishing off our race !

here Mert is Checking in for the Final time !

We were very Happy with Our finished 13 laps good enough for 4th Place. I had 7 laps , Mert had 6 . We were very happy with Our results!!!

Wooo Hooo, a Good time was Had!!! Great event , Great Venue I Highly reccomend it.

~~ Team : 2 Slow Daddy's ~~~


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
The folks at Pats Peak are super cool & try so hard to provide a fun, challanging race. Lots of rain lately meant the course would have plenty of speed & energy draining mud.

Our plan was to do doubles. Wiley went 1st & threw down a fast lap and was the 1st back to the transition tent, and no one caught him on his 2nd lap. My turn do to two laps and no one caught me. Actually we wre doing really well for 10 laps (no one passed either of us). So we had the overall lead of all 3 races/all divisions. But on lap 11 things went down hill fast being we both started bonking.

And my last lap was torture, it took me forever to complete, I got sick 3 or 4 times.....and I went to the EMT's after.

Wiley was also totally bonked but still got in 2 (slow) laps. We actually thought we still won but somehow the team in 5th went crazy and jumped past everyone to take the win.

But I'm proud of our 2nd place, I definitely left everything I had out on the course.

And thanks Splat and the other riders that stopped to see if I was ok/needed help during my last lap, and the EMT guy that made sure I survived! :thumb:

ps: This was my first ever race that I(we) won cash!!
Mar 9, 2006
behind you !!! ARRRR...
And about Tequila lying down on the job. It was our stratedgy, play opoussum. Lure the enemy in to a false sense of power and then strike them down. Unfortunatly, we struck to late........Damn the nec earthburger.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
tequiladougrox said:
Doug was a madman. Ripping laps cracking jokes until.......Doug stopped being funny, So did I. Want a beer ? Oh yeah I was'nt trying to win the run, I was winning the run.

but you telling me how your puke tasted pretty good ( like strawberry powerade) was pretty damn funny ! (and yeah you won the run, at least I didnt mention you had a 2 hour lap!!!)

tequiladougrox said:
And about Tequila lying down on the job. It was our stratedgy, play opoussum. Lure the enemy in to a false sense of power and then strike them down. Unfortunatly, we struck to late........Damn the nec earthburger.

Trying to win is tough and I was tired, so I was going to take a nap on the course....but the damn other riders kept waking me up with all their "Are you ok?" and crap like that :D


Nam I am
douglas said:
And thanks Splat and the other riders that stopped to see if I was ok/needed help during my last lap, and the EMT guy that made sure I survived! :thumb:

Well I was pretty worried about you. especilly since I had to walk the last mile of my Lap because of a Broken deraileur, anbd when I got to the transition tent and wiley was waiting for you. I was a little more than concerned !

Nice pic of Me . thanks

also you can see me in the run in the background right be hind Wiley.


Aug 28, 2002
We were also in the 2 x 12 race and decided to do single laps because of the heat. My team mate Bob started us off. I was sitting in the tent waiting for him and Wiley showed up in like 31 Minutes:eek: A couple of other 2 x 12s came in before Bob who was in at 40 minutes. So we were in 4th already.

We had hoped to complete 4 laps every 3 hours to total 16. Everything was going at just over 6 hours we had 8 laps done. Bob cranked off another 40 something night lap and then I went out for my first night lap. Everything seemed fine until the bottom of the second hill and my right hamstringed cramped so bad I just layed on the ground in pain for awhile. I couldn't pedal more then 20ft without it cramping so I walked all the way through to the downhill and ened up with a lap a little over an hour, but still couldn't really pedal.

Never checking to see how we were doing I told Bob I thnk I may be done. He went out and rode 3 more laps over the next 4 hours.

We went to the awards the next morning because we also had a female 2 x 12 with us who came in first because they were the only ones, they did do 10 laps which was great. Next thing I know they could our team as third and we were shocked.

The was our third year there and we will be back. It's not a big race, but everyone is friendly and the organizers are always asking for feedback.

Doug and Splat it was nice to meet you and talk for a few minutes, running single laps though there was no time in between to do much of anything besides wash your bike, lub it up, eat, drink and change your clothes and get back to it.

I have a picture of Splat at the start I'll throw up in a little bit.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
very nice job mogulskr & Splat!!

Monkeys did kick major ass!! 2nd, 3rd & 4th places (out of 7, or was it 8 teams)

(yeah, I also had the cramping problems and I was taking "salt" pills)


Nam I am
douglas said:
very nice job mogulskr & Splat!!

Monkeys did kick major ass!! 2nd, 3rd & 4th places (out of 7, or was it 8 teams)

(yeah, I also had the cramping problems and I was taking "salt" pills)

How many Laps did your Team Have total Mogulskr ?

Yeah I had cramping problems too ( so did Mert ) and I was poping endurolytes like crazy. ( plus Gatorade, Jerky, pretzels ,etc )


Aug 28, 2002
To be honset I'm not sure, it was either 13 or 14. When did you guys finish your last lap? We may have beat you on time.

I was taking endurolytes also. 2 every hour, but then I miss a set and I guess that hurt me. I should have upped it to 3 with the heat.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride

Wiley stopped at our pit at 1:45am, neither of us had another lap left, then we walked the rest of the way to finish @2:05


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Nice work! I wanted to be there, but considering the temperatures maybe not, I think it was cooler down here in Dixie.


Jul 17, 2006
It was indeed a fun time. my first race, and first time night riding, so a great new experience. Cool to meet some new people. It feels pretty good that we came in with the same number of laps as the 3rd place team even if it took us a bit longer.

Maybe a new sig for splatt should be "yeah, these batteries are fully charged!" they lasted 1.1 laps and i ended up doing that last lap by led headlamp! made the singletrack downhill a whole nuther issue! :nopity:

The bike worked fine, but for some reason i couldn't shift any lower on the uphills and had to do a bit of walking even though i used the weeniest gearing that i own! but of course i never had any drivetrain issues.:D

As to the longsleeves, well, i'm from NC and it just wasn't hot, hardly over 90% humidity! Actually, i almost alwears wear longsleeves, made from the same material as jerseys and keeps mud and sun off my arms...just a wierd personal preference kinda thing i guess...

til next time:wave:


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
This is the only 24 hr race I've ever done. 3 years ago. One of the guys on my team wore a moo moo to stay cool while he rested. Seemed like the best idea ever.

and it wasn't nearly as hot as it looks this year.


Nam I am
mert said:
Maybe a new sig for splat should be "yeah, these batteries are fully charged!" they lasted 1.1 laps and i ended up doing that last lap by led headlamp! made the singletrack downhill a whole nuther issue! :nopity:
I knew when I came in and you said that you had not changed the cell for the helmet light , I knew there were going to be problems. I thought about handing my HID to you , and I should have. I deffinatly blame myself for that. also when I use that set up I tend to carry an extra Cell just in case. I should have communicated better .


Nam I am
tequiladougrox said:
Tequila got offer by a fine lady some of her "jelly beans" but he declined. Stupid :agree:

I was thre ! and she was mighty Cute too!!!

1 Minute!!!

12 Hour 2 Person Men 1 Nerac Earth 64 16
2 This Is What Cool Looks Like 14
3 Team Liger 13 (2:08)
4 2 Slow Daddy’s 13 (2:09)
5 Deux Amigos 10
6 Team Altrui 8


Jul 17, 2006
splat said:
I was thre ! and she was mighty Cute too!!!

1 Minute!!!

12 Hour 2 Person Men 1 Nerac Earth 64 16
2 This Is What Cool Looks Like 14
3 Team Liger 13 (2:08)
4 2 Slow Daddy’s 13 (2:09)
5 Deux Amigos 10
6 Team Altrui 8

Not that it really matters to me, but on my 3rd lap i stopped to help a 24hr solo rider. He broke his wrist and i stopped and walked next to him carrying his bike from the bottom of the downhill singletrack all the way to the road where douglas and tequila were camped and a spectator took his bike there so i could ride on...i figured that i lost about 15 minutes there, but never dreamed it would matter! DANG! What a great race! Of course Team Liger probably wasted at least 15 minutes taking their bikes off cool jumps!


Aug 28, 2002
Wow! that was close. We did take our bikes off of the cool jumps. We never looked at the results so we had no idea what place we were in. I had stopped and my teamate was just doing laps with the people on the other 2 teams we were there with.

Mert you probably felt good though helping that guy out instead of ditching him to come in third.


Jul 17, 2006
The 24hr guy was pretty cool, he said he could probably make it, but i said "it's not like we're racing for a podium spot or anything" :D it's not like i was tired and looking for an excuse to walk or anything...its all about helping out.