


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Why can't I stop watching this show? I must admit they are very good at the cliff-hanging. But the show is just so ridiculous. IT should just be called. "8". "9" at the most.

But it would seem that all divisions of law enforcement in the US are completely incompetant.

But I can't stop watching. I hate myself.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
MMike said:
Why can't I stop watching this show? I must admit they are very good at the cliff-hanging. But the show is just so ridiculous. IT should just be called. "8". "9" at the most.

But it would seem that all divisions of law enforcement in the US are completely incompetant.

But I can't stop watching. I hate myself.
You are weak. That's why you can't stop. People like you should be locked in a padded room.

You aren't procreating, are you? :think:



A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Yossarian said:
I had to stop watching in the first season, because I knew that you could not get around in LA, as much as he does, in 1 hour.
I never saw season 1.

But last season, he was going through heroine withdrawls, DIED (heart stopped for a few minutes), and was till able to leap from a helicopter (or some such nonsense)....all within like three hours.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
SkaredShtles said:
Well, at least she doesn't love 24. :think:


First your fingers snap
And then your toes start tappin'
Give your knees a slap
And let your hands start clappin'
Anything can happen when you're happy tappin' with Elmo

Don't need a map to find the King of Tappin'
I'm the reddish chap
The one whose arms are flappin'
People, it's a snap
So try some happy tappin' with Elmo

Happy's such a neat emotion
It'll give your feet a happy notion
If your toes get tired rub in some lotion
And they'll feel swell, so, come join Elmo

You'll be happy when you see me tappin'
Better make it snappy, don't get caught nappin'
Tell your mam and pappy that you're happy tappin' with Elmo
Happy tappin' with Elmo

Happy's such a neat emotion
It'll give your feet that happy notion
If your toes get tired rub in some lotion
And they'll feel swell, so, come join Elmo

You'll be happy when you see me tappin'
Better make it snappy, don't get caught nappin'
Tell your mam and pappy that you're happy tappin' with Elmo
Happy tappin' with Elmo

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
I know what you mean Mike.
24 rules, don't get me wrong, but now it is like a I HAVE to watch it,
whether I want to or not. Its kinda like you already have time invested in it, and God forbid if you miss a show, its over. You won't know Jack $hit from Jack Baurer come next week.
My TV is like Come here, Sit down and Take your medicine!
Its like that with all the shows I watch.
I blame my wife, she is the one that gets me started on shows in the first place.
I have this rule where I will not watch any new show that comes on.
So, a couple weeks back she wanted to watch that new Grey's Anatomy show. So, I said, there is no way in hell I am gonna like this show, so I watch it. Dammit, it was great. I could not believe it.
I too am weak.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
I watched the second season almost all the way through, which wasn't too bad. However I caught either last weeks or week before last's episode where Air Force One gets shot down by an F-117 Stealth fighter...........uuuuuuuhhhhh F-117's can't fire air-to-air missles - that killed it for me. :mumble:


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Jeremy R said:
I know what you mean Mike.
24 rules, don't get me wrong, but now it is like a I HAVE to watch it,
whether I want to or not. Its kinda like you already have time invested in it, and God forbid if you miss a show, its over. You won't know Jack $hit from Jack Baurer come next week.
My TV is like Come here, Sit down and Take your medicine!
Its like that with all the shows I watch.
I blame my wife, she is the one that gets me started on shows in the first place.
I have this rule where I will not watch any new show that comes on.
So, a couple weeks back she wanted to watch that new Grey's Anatomy show. So, I said, there is no way in hell I am gonna like this show, so I watch it. Dammit, it was great. I could not believe it.
I too am weak.

Yep. Brenda is totally to blame for 24 ...and american idol for that matter


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Andyman_1970 said:
I watched the second season almost all the way through, which wasn't too bad. However I caught either last weeks or week before last's episode where Air Force One gets shot down by an F-117 Stealth fighter...........uuuuuuuhhhhh F-117's can't fire air-to-air missles - that killed it for me. :mumble:
Not to mention the Air Force 1('s) are equipped with pretty much everything the military has for detection, counter-measures...and an escape pod too if I'm not mistaken.

That's what makes me nuts...


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
MMike said:
Not to mention the Air Force 1('s) are equipped with pretty much everything the military has for detection, counter-measures...and an escape pod too if I'm not mistaken.

That's what makes me nuts...
Yeah it drives me crazy too. I'm not so sure about the escape pod, I've seen AF1 up close maybe a dozen times and can't see where an escape pod would jettison from.

Oh and American Idol, I only like the first few shows where all the folks that don't know how to sing are on..........oh my it makes me cringe sometimes. I stopped watching American Idol after I had some funky/disturbing dreams about it.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
MMike said:
Yep. Brenda is totally to blame for 24 ...and american idol for that matter
Well, maybe I can offer you some support to rid yourself of the evil Idol show.
You have to watch the first couple of shows to laugh at all the Inbred hacks, you should not punish yourself as to miss out on the hilarity of the rejects.
But after that, you simply CANNOT watch any further at all.
That show is actually really easy to not watch, because it normally sucks so bad anyway.
I will watch it again in the future when TV is more interactive, and I can actually punch that dude when he says, "Seacrest out."


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
You cant stop watching because of all the subliminal mind control stuff they lay in under all the "non stop" action. Its just a training video for all those lazy couch potatoes who wont join the military... just like all the new video games... train them young......


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Jack Bauer is the baddest man on TV ever.

What's funny is that I am usually the one that completely picks a movie or show apart because of that kinda crap but not 24. If it happens on 24 it must be plausible. I mean none of you mentioned the mysterious box that could take over all the nuclear power plants remotely. What the hell?


Mar 17, 2002
I love the show. Bauer is a great character. The man's died before for crying out loud! I just like his no nonsense attitude.

Either way, it's just a fun tv show. Suspension of disbelief is a must..

Things blow up, people shoot stuff. Rad.
My girlfriend is an Airforce Reservist and with a military background, she can't stand it. Just too many implausable situations. Me on the other hand, I dig the show. Some of the stuff is pretty over the top, and some of those people can't act their way out of a bag, but damn I can't stop watching it! Go Bauer!!


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2003
Don't mess with Jack Bauer. He'll kick your ass, whether you're middle eastern or not. Besides, he and I are homies; I have his cell number.