
3..2..1 Freiheit GMT 3..2..1


Turbo Monkey
Aug 18, 2005
Up since 4am with the little one so wifey could get some much needed sleep. Finished work spilled over from yesterday while holding him. I'm blowing out of work early to ride today FTS Friday engaged.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
WIN, new OPs mgr is a PITA and has been wanting me to come back over to the ambulance side of the company as the Field Supervisor: more work, more bs, more regulatory BS, same pay. I told the CEO that I really didn't want to do it. He said he needed me running the Paratransit division so he hired a paramedic supervisor which pissed off the OPs mgr, I king of like that. I have very little BS to deal with, no after hours crap and I get to come home for lunch YAY

Coffee then off to the short bus side of the world

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Hello. Life is acceptable here. Forecast for Febraury is a foot of snow on the prairie and mucho more in the mountains. I beleive I will buy a dentist kayak with the unused portion of my fat bike fund. My last kayak was fiberglass which resulted in kevlar envy. Now that I can afford kevlar it looks like carbon is the latest and greatest structural material.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Good morning INTERNET! News flash: WAKE THE HELL UP.

I was out the door at 5:30 this morning for a pre-sunrise joggy jog, which became a race to get back to the crapper. I am happy to report that I won that race.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Thank you NetApp, for spamming my inbox and consequently my work phone with emails for two hours this morning at 4am. Also, thank you to all the IT personnel who received those same emails and decided to hit reply-all to tell them to stop AND thank you to the other people hitting reply-all to other reply-all requests, also asking to stop the emails.

This guy wins the full retard reply though..I await @jimmydean's assessment of this. :rofl:



Feb 24, 2011
Wrapped up a large project I have been working on for the last few months yesterday ahead of schedule. Nice to have it done with. Now I just want to leave work and go ride my bike in the snow.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Up until 12 working on the basement. Alarm didn't go off, so I woke up at 6:45. I need to leave by 6:52 to make it to work on time. Tired. Butt dialed Nick; he's building a death star or a deck. I'm not sure but either will be nice.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
'Mornin. Was reminded why fat biking can be a stupid sport last night. I am very stiff and sore from pushing through balls-deep snow for about an hour (not even exaggerating), or slipping off the track when there was one, into balls deep snow and wrenching my ankle/knee/hip from falling in an awkward position. Gah. XC skiing would have been brilliant last night, and I have new skis to try out too...

have a good day y'all.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

Doc got my back to pop and that helps, but I am wicked sore and will need at least a pair of follow ups.

I finally broke down and got a new phone when my old one wouldn't last more than 3 hours without shutting off. It's new but not "new" (came out about 15 months ago or so) and while I do like it, I had to order all new cords because USB C. The wall plug doesn't like the socket next to the bed, so now my new phone isn't charging. :rofl:


Have a glorious Friday, I know I will.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011

My schedule is 7ish to 4ish, and I take lunch around 11ish, unless I get here at 8:30, or decided to leave at 3:30, or WFH after lunch. But I am generally around somewhere between 9-3, or "core hours". :rofl:

No set hours for me either. 8-9ish to 4-6ish. I don't have to clock in or record hours, either.

Sadly, no WFH allowed....yet. The automotive industry, at least around here, is pretty old school in that regards. And when shit hits the fan, they freak out when someone isn't on premise. :monkey:


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR

No set hours for me either. 8-9ish to 4-6ish. I don't have to clock in or record hours, either.

Sadly, no WFH allowed....yet. The automotive industry, at least around here, is pretty old school in that regards. And when shit hits the fan, they freak out when someone isn't on premise. :monkey:
The way it works here, I "bill" my hours even though I am salary. So if I work overtime (over 40 hours) I log that in my weekly time sheet. Each project has a bucket of hours as part of the budget. There are non-project misc. type hours, training hours, PTO, sick time, blah, blah, blah. If I log under 40 hours, I get in trouble, if I log more than 40 hours, my paycheck in unaffected.

But supposedly the entire time I am here I am either working on a project, or doing "maintenance tasks".


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Spent yesterday at The Evergreen avation/space museum. Buddy works out there so it was comped, saw some non-public stuff. Ran a 10k out through the vineyards. Found whiskey at Hotel Oregon, but no UFO'S. Flight at 3 today. I already feel a bad case of FTS coming on for Saturday, and possibly Sunday as wife has expressed interest in skiing weekend.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
The way it works here, I "bill" my hours even though I am salary. So if I work overtime (over 40 hours) I log that in my weekly time sheet. Each project has a bucket of hours as part of the budget. There are non-project misc. type hours, training hours, PTO, sick time, blah, blah, blah. If I log under 40 hours, I get in trouble, if I log more than 40 hours, my paycheck in unaffected.

But supposedly the entire time I am here I am either working on a project, or doing "maintenance tasks".
when i started my current job, people still had to log hours. i said LOLZ. they asked me why i wasn't doing it. i was one of the first employees hired after the JnJ acquisition, so i started off under their hr / benefits / payroll. system. i explained to them i'm salaried, there's no point to logging hours. they didn't get it.

then about a year later when they were switched over to JnJ payroll, they had such a fucking hard time understanding a biweekly pay system.