
3 riding days in a week


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Its still February and I got three days on my bike - can't believe it. Doesn't hurt to have new shoes and pedals to motive but its really not necessary. Hope everybody is getting some time on their bikes.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
Went out for ~2 hours on Friday; too bad I didn't have time Saturday or Sunday as the weather was great. Been getting outside maybe only 1 day a week not counting riding to work/class, but probably use the trainer every other day and have been lifting weights and stretching frequently (trying to make sure my IT band issues don't resurface this year).

On a side note, I almost ate it 3 times on Friday. First, turning left at a busy T intersection, I stood up and pedaled hard from a stop. My rear wheel slid out after I got some momentum, going about 2-3 feet to the side. Rode it out. Next, was on a bike path where the snow recently melted. Took my hands off the bars to zip up my vest. The headset on my bike is having issues and did not center, steering me into a small snowbank. Thankfully, it was warm and I was going fairly slow, so my wheels cut through the snow and my hands got to the bars quick. Then a few minutes later, was motoring along the path with my head mostly down. Didn't see the 6 foot long/few inches deep section of snow/ice until it was about 2 feet from me, which is pretty close at 20+ mph. Came out of that okay too.


leg shavin roadie
Jul 14, 2003
at a road race near you
Weather was great around here this weekend. Got 5 hrs in Saturday and 4 hrs in yesterday. Did an hour on the training this morning before work as usual and my legs def were feeling the rides this weekend.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Went out for ~2 hours on Friday; too bad I didn't have time Saturday or Sunday as the weather was great. Been getting outside maybe only 1 day a week not counting riding to work/class, but probably use the trainer every other day and have been lifting weights and stretching frequently (trying to make sure my IT band issues don't resurface this year).

On a side note, I almost ate it 3 times on Friday. First, turning left at a busy T intersection, I stood up and pedaled hard from a stop. My rear wheel slid out after I got some momentum, going about 2-3 feet to the side. Rode it out. Next, was on a bike path where the snow recently melted. Took my hands off the bars to zip up my vest. The headset on my bike is having issues and did not center, steering me into a small snowbank. Thankfully, it was warm and I was going fairly slow, so my wheels cut through the snow and my hands got to the bars quick. Then a few minutes later, was motoring along the path with my head mostly down. Didn't see the 6 foot long/few inches deep section of snow/ice until it was about 2 feet from me, which is pretty close at 20+ mph. Came out of that okay too.
I wish I could get myself to do a little weight training at least a little something at home but I have not found the strength and energy.


Jul 21, 2006
I got in 3.5 hours saturday and sunday, and 2 hours today. It was about 18 degrees starting out this morning, but didn't feel that bad.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
I've been sick so I'm just now getting back to riding. Rode 4 hours Saturday, 3 hours Sunday, and an hour and a half this morning.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
I'm not training for anything really, but I went on a 4 hour road/cyclocross ride Saturday and then mountain biked yesterday. My knee hurts if I ride for more than a couple hours usually but it did not bother me Saturday for some reason.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
I wish I could get myself to do a little weight training at least a little something at home but I have not found the strength and energy.
Getting a minimal bit of equipment at home has helped me.

I recently picked up a set of dumbells from my brother since he left the country for a while- just two bars with 4 x 10lb, 7.5lb and 2.5lb plates and clips. I might get a few more weights, but I can do tons of exercises with just these. Combined with situps, pushups, stretching and an ipod or tv show, 45 minutes can go a long way in my apartment. A good amount can even be done in less time. Can't do a few of the exercises I like because I only have dumbells, but I am much more consistent than going to the gym, which is a 15 minute bike ride away.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
Rode an hour this morning while I watched Vino attack...I love watching that guy race


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
It's been freakishly warm here for February (50s). Finally unhooked the bike from the trainer a week ago and I'm loving it...trying to push at least 2.5H a day (currently building back base aerobic/fat loss) with two day breaks.

Broke freelancing has its perks :D


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Back on the bike last night and did 33 miles. Luckily the week break and the cold had not killed to much of the work from the previous weeks and I felt good after a couple of warm up laps. Weather looking much better and much warmer for the coming week seems like we can start to kick winter in the ass.