


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
interesting question, I was at work yesterday and someone dropped $5 outside the shop. My buddy came back inside from helping a customer and asked if anyone dropped $5. Everyone looked around, and one of the customers looked at my buddy and said to just keep it.

I don't think anyone figured out who it belonged to

black noise

Turbo Monkey
Dec 31, 2004
Santa Cruz
loco said:
I turned in $3.

If it were $10,000 in an unmarked bank bag, I would likely keep it.

Personally, if I find some money on the ground I'll keep it. If it's a wallet with money in it, I'll attempt to give it to the owner. Once I saw a lady stuff money back into her wallet and drop a 20 and I picked it up and gave it to her because I knew it was hers. It's about good karma for me. You never know when the guy who lost his wallet with a few hundred in it happens to be some super generous guy who lets you keep half. I know I would feel bad if I kept someone's money when it could have easily been given back to them. However like someone said, if it's a crumpled up 20 in the back aisle of a WalMart (or behind a Taco Bell register like what happened to me once), obviously the owner is long gone and it's mine.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
screw it, be it an atm guy or sucka on the street, if you cant keep ahold of your money, then you deserve to loose it.


Aug 26, 2004
Concord, CA
The Toninator said:
In high school I worked in a grocery store. I worked in the courtesy booth. One of my jobs was to verify the cash that we got from the bank. Yes we had to count everything including the $1.
1 dollar bundles come in straps of 100 and I’d have to count THOUSANDS.
1 time i started in and counted 1,2 bang there was a 100 dollar bill, then another then another all the way to the end and there were 2 singles capping the end. So instead of 100 -1's there was 4-1's and 96 Benjamin’s ($9,600.)
I turned it in and didn’t get some much as a thank you. The story ended up being that the wrap was really old and had been floating around for a while. The original person from the Fed that created it was fined, fired and dead.
I could have kept it and not a single person would have been out anything.
why not keep the 96 benjamins and replace them 96 $1's of your own. you would be doing a good deed that pays off fast. you help them by correcting their mistake, and in return, come off $9,504 richer


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
bikenweed said:
At what point does finding large sums of money become stealing? Seriously, where? Is it illegal to keep $5,000 of bills in a bag, found in a parking lot? Or is that stealing? What's the difference? Or is this a personal question?

what if i was close to the ground, like in someones pocket? it might have fallen out? right?

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
We were in Disney World a couple years ago and I found a 20 dollar bill sitting on the floor in the game room at the Yacht and Beach Club. I kept it. If you can afford to stay in that resort, you won't miss that 20 bucks. :) But then about six months ago I left $20 in the cash return of a self checkout register at Big Y, so now I'm at break even again. :monkey:

If I found a wallet though, I'd return it with all of the contents in tact no matter what was in it. I've had my wallet returned twice after losing it two separate times in my younger years, so I feel a sense of obligation to return that favor should the opportunity present itself.

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
i was in best buy recently and a 3 or 4 steps behind this dude. He reached into his back pocket and pulled something out. When he did 3 100 dollar bills feel out. Nobody left or right of him and was directly behind him. Nobody saw. I sped up and stepped right on top of the money (old trick for my younger days) and pretended to drop my sales flyer and picked up the money with the flyer. no witnesses. My conscious got the better of me and I walked up and handed it to the dude as he was trying to pay for his stuff.
I wouldn’t have felt bad about keeping his money, so much.
2 years ago I was in a grocery store. Kind of the lower end. I found $50 bucks on the floor. I looked up and down the isle to hopefully find the owner but there was nobody. I started thinking about how much this $50 bucks meant to this stores usual customer and it bugged me. So I immediately turned it in thinking it would find it’s owner. I waited 3 weeks and nobody claimed it. I went back for it and got it but still didn’t feel very good about it.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
The Toninator said:
I started thinking about how much this $50 bucks meant to this stores usual customer and it bugged me. So I immediately turned it in thinking it would find it’s owner. I waited 3 weeks and nobody claimed it. I went back for it and got it but still didn’t feel very good about it.
Ton, I understand how you feel. Being the nice guy that I am, send me $50 and you'll feel better about doing the right thing:thumb:


It was $3 that I found, and much like Tony, someone might need it. I am sure they will never get it back, but it's on someone else's mind to worry about now.


BigMike said:
Suuuuuuuuure, make yourself look good on the INTERNET, but when it comes to real life, what would you REALLY do?

OK - truth is, I would nut punch you when I found it. Hey - I found $3 last week. Get over here, BigMike, I am gonna punch you in the balls. The people won't get their money back, but you having a constant pain in your balls will settle the imbalance.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
I Are Baboon said:
We were in Disney World a couple years ago and I found a 20 dollar bill sitting on the floor in the game room at the Yacht and Beach Club. I kept it. If you can afford to stay in that resort, you won't miss that 20 bucks. :) But then about six months ago I left $20 in the cash return of a self checkout register at Big Y, so now I'm at break even again. :monkey:

If I found a wallet though, I'd return it with all of the contents in tact no matter what was in it. I've had my wallet returned twice after losing it two separate times in my younger years, so I feel a sense of obligation to return that favor should the opportunity present itself.
yeah a wallet is a different story. the couple of times i have found wallets the owners have kicked me a little something for being honest so its no big deal. I know if i lost my wallet i would hope the same courtesy would be exchanged.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
Westy said:
I wouldn't bother bending over to pick up anything less than a $100, just isn't worth the effort.
isnt that a saying about bill gates? in the time i would take him to bend over and pick up a hundred dollar bill he would actually lose money?


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
loco said:
OK - truth is, I would nut punch you when I found it. Hey - I found $3 last week. Get over here, BigMike, I am gonna punch you in the balls. The people won't get their money back, but you having a constant pain in your balls will settle the imbalance.

So everyone else is on an I hate Loco trip, and Loco is on an I hate BigMike trip. interesting :think:


BigMike said:
So everyone else is on an I hate Loco trip, and Loco is on an I hate BigMike trip. interesting :think:
It's not really hate. It's a strong dislike, really.


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
loco said:
If you found $3 on the floor, would you keep it or take it to the service desk??? This is assuming you find it in a public place. At what dollar value do you keep it or turn it in???
years ago i found a wallet with over $500 cash and numerous checks made out for $75.
as i looked for who it belonged to, i found a wrecker drivers liscense inside.
i had good intentions up until that point.

two weeks earlier my truck was sideswiped by a tow truck speeding to the scence of and accident so he could get the tow.

needless to say over a dozen people got free tows that day.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
I'd turn in 3 bucks... at least look to find the owner and then no matter what the amount I'd turn it in! and if you think I am just trying to make myself look good, I am not.... I don't NEED to show a pattern but I will on Sunday I was walking down the parking lot aisle to enter a shopping center and saw an older lady struggling with a bag of bird seed, she couldn't quite get it out of her cart into the trunk. As I got closer, several other people walking the other direction just walked by... I stopped and asked if she needed help and quickly put the bag in her trunk... it took about 2 nano seconds to do... it made me feel good to do it for her and she was super thankful...

so I guess my point is when you assign a person to the money... it is personal... If I saw an armored truck cruise down the street and drop a bag of bills, I may not be as quick about returning it... but if I saw a person drop that same amount I would probably be quicker to get it back to them...

I think it is the little things... that are more important... these type of things remind me of the quote that goes something like this...

"I wish I were half the person my dog thinks I am..."

and maybe with a few more good deeds I can be...


I am the most selfless selfish person around, brunge. I go out of my way to help strangers. I almost got killed trying to help dog that got hit last Friday night. I then saw him get hit again right in front of me. He got up and trotted away. I couldn't catch him, as he was terrified, but I would feel awful not trying to help.

Unrelated funny story about inconsiderate people -

At Lowe's on my next trip, I was sifting through the 2 x 4s for some rafters in my shed when some white trash drunk came and ducked under me, because he couldn't wait, or ask to be excused. I accidentally dropped one end of a 10' 2 x 4 on his head. He turned around and before he got a word out I said "what the f*ck did you think was going to happen you inconsiderate f*ckhead???" It turns out he wanted to drink beer the rest of the night instead of pulling lumber out of his ass, so he shut up and got out of the way. He then left a cart in the middle of the door as they left. The big lumber kind. I rolled it out behind him and placed it behind their truck so they could put it away. Asshole white trash drunks are the lowest life form.

I cover a broad spectrum. :think: