
30 days


Aug 14, 2002
anyone else watch it?

I'll admit- I HATE reality shows (survivor, american idiot), but this one was a true dose of reality.

"live 30 days on minimum wage in one of the poorest cities in the nation." hmm. good show idea.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
I watched it and it was definitely a good show. It seems like he's trying to expose Americans to things within our own culture that would otherwise go unnoticed/uncared about, like how people living on minimum wage are screwed and can hardly even make it.


Aug 14, 2002
COmtbiker12 said:
I watched it and it was definitely a good show. It seems like he's trying to expose Americans to things within our own culture that would otherwise go unnoticed/uncared about, like how people living on minimum wage are screwed and can hardly even make it.
the medical bills were scary- after spending 400+ bucks myself this past january for taking care of pneumonia while uninsured, i can kind-of comprehend.

I cant wait to see "live 30 days with a muslim family". that ought to open some people's eyes.


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
slowSSer said:
anyone else watch it?

I'll admit- I HATE reality shows (survivor, american idiot), but this one was a true dose of reality.

"live 30 days on minimum wage in one of the poorest cities in the nation." hmm. good show idea.
I agree...I've never been into reality shows. Although, I did see 30 days yesterday, and really liked it. I'm looking forward to furture episodes...


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
I'm not really a fan of reality show, but I liked this one, it seemed to show the less glamous part of living in the US. See my additional comments about the show................here


Oct 4, 2001
I caught the show last night too. For a first episode of a new show, the content was kind of a downer, but really eye opening.

BTW, the editing during the pastry buying argument was awesome and one of the funniest thngs I've seen in a while.


Aug 14, 2002
LOOnatic said:
I caught it.
Not bad and his attitude is key.

attitude in relation to what? (just curious how you saw it)

I was thinking along similar lines, but because he's probably going back home to his slick pad in manhatten with a fat paycheck sitting in the mailbox for doing the show. or am I being "off" here?


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
slowSSer said:
attitude in relation to what? (just curious how you saw it)

I was thinking along similar lines, but because he's probably going back home to his slick pad in manhatten with a fat paycheck sitting in the mailbox for doing the show. or am I being "off" here?
Ever live on subsistence wages? He might be phat from the movies and shows, but try living for a month like that.

I've done it, and it was summer when I could use my bike. Imagine having to walk to work in the winter when you are ill. Or work when you are ill.

I think that is the point of the show. He is not saying change your life, he is saying try something else for a month.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
he's certainly comfortable in front of the camera, and a good writer too (assuming he's doing the writing for this show; he certainly did for _supersize me_). i like him. good idea, good execution.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Kenmore, WA
stinkyboy said:
Television sux! What's wrong with you people?
I haven't seen my TV in weeks except for a brief 40 minute segment when some buds of mine and I crashed out in between working on bikes for a quick session of NWD5.

But, I can say, my riding sure has improved as of late.

This show sounds interesting, but I'll wait for the DVD or something. I can't bring myself to invest that kind of time staring at a box in the corner of the room.

Besides, the guy's a pu$$y. He was throwing up after only 3 days eating McDonalds. I've done that during bouts of winter depression and still held my own. What a joke.


Aug 14, 2002
sanjuro said:
Ever live on subsistence wages? He might be phat from the movies and shows, but try living for a month like that.

I've done it, and it was summer when I could use my bike. Imagine having to walk to work in the winter when you are ill. Or work when you are ill.

I think that is the point of the show. He is not saying change your life, he is saying try something else for a month.
a truly valid point.

hes not only saying "Try something else for a month" but also "open your eyes"
slowSSer said:
attitude in relation to what? (just curious how you saw it)

I was thinking along similar lines, but because he's probably going back home to his slick pad in manhatten with a fat paycheck sitting in the mailbox for doing the show. or am I being "off" here?

I liked how it was more of an "expose" style than an "in your face" you gotta change overnight kinda thing.
Its a subtle difference to make but too much one way it turns too many people off to the message and all is lost.

More of an eye opener versus doom and gloom.
Thats all.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
LOOnatic said:
I liked how it was more of an "expose" style than an "in your face" you gotta change overnight kinda thing.
Its a subtle difference to make but too much one way it turns too many people off to the message and all is lost.

More of an eye opener versus doom and gloom.
Thats all.
That's what I like about it, it's not "here's what you should believe about this" it's "this is what it's like - form your own opinion".


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I want to see the Mother who binge-drinks to show her daughter the downside. I wonder if she ends up picking her underwear up from frat boys bedroom floors in the morning.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Andyman_1970 said:
That's what I like about it, it's not "here's what you should believe about this" it's "this is what it's like - form your own opinion".

Really makes ya think, huh? Wow, that's deep man.