
32 years as of today


Sep 8, 2009
Congrats, if sobriety is what you're aiming for.

I haven't had a beer since about 9pm last night, but I plan on breaking that sobriety streak around 6pm tonight when I get home from work :headbang:


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
Congrats. I sure wish a few people I know/knew had been able to do the same. Alcohol is killing more of my friends and family than anything else, by a very wide margin. Once they go down the rabbit hole, they never seem to come back.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Congrats. I sure wish a few people I know/knew had been able to do the same. Alcohol is killing more of my friends and family than anything else, by a very wide margin. Once they go down the rabbit hole, they never seem to come back.
I could probably lose 20# in short notice if I stopped drinking beer. But it's so good I can't...

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Long time but screw the last 32 years. We want details of the crazy drinking Eric :)
hmmmn 6'1" 200 pounds heavy into weight lifting, rock climbing, scuba diving with a Thai Boxing background so very fit very strong. Steal your date if I could, beat you up if you got in my way.

Alcohol and a genetic background of Native American, Scottish and Irish is not a good combo. Short temper and lack of inhibition about beating on some one that pissed me off led to way more bar fights than I care to admit to, I don't remember losing any.

Slept with way to many women some really good looking some not..wasn't really picky when drunk. Lost jobs , ruined relationships, almost killed myself in random acts of stupidity.

Worst fight was at the Octoberfest in Munich 1980 someone broke a beer stine over my head, I was blotto and went into a rage. When I snapped out of it I was outside the Paulinerbrau tent in a fighting stance. there was blood all over my arms. 3 blue shirted security guards were on the ground out cold, two were holding my cousin pinned to the ground 3 were on their knees or trying to sit up and three more where squared off against me but staying well back. I figured they wanted to just be done with me so in my best German I said let my cousin go and we will leave and not come back, If not I'm going to take him from you anyways. They let him go and we split. None of the blood was mine. the woman we were with said that I broke a lot of arms legs and noses fighting my way out of the beer hall. I don't remember a thing.

6 months later back in the USA I got blasted at a party, drove over the two lane hwy 17 through the Santa Cruz Mts seeing 5 lanes blew chunks on my date, fell off a cliff and cut my face open. That was July 9th and I had taken my last drink.

I woke up the next day and had a epiphany it was quit or die. I quit
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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
hmmmn 6'1" 200 pounds heavy into weight lifting, rock climbing, scuba diving with a Thai Boxing background so very fit very strong. Steal your date if I could, beat you up if you got in my way.

Alcohol and a genetic background of Native American, Scottish and Irish is not a good combo. Short temper and lack of inhibition about beating on some one that pissed me off led to way more bar fights than I care to admit to, I don't remember losing any.

Slept with way to many women some really good looking some not..wasn't really picky when drunk. Lost jobs , ruined relationships, almost killed myself in random acts of stupidity.

Worst fight was at the Octoberfest in Munich 1980 someone broke a beer stine over my head, I was blotto and went into a rage. When I snapped out of it I was outside the Paulinerbrau tent in a fighting stance. there was blood all over my arms. 3 blue shirted security guards were on the ground out cold, two were holding my cousin pinned to the ground 3 were on their knees or trying to sit up and three more where squared off against me but staying well back. I figured they wanted to just be done with me so in my best German I said let my cousin go and we will leave and not come back, If not I'm going to take him from you anyways. They let him go and we split. None of the blood was mine. the woman we were with said that I broke a lot of arms legs and noses fighting my way out of the beer hall. I don't remember a thing.

6 months later back in the USA I got blasted at a party, drove over the two lane hwy 17 through the Santa Cruz Mts seeing 5 lanes blew chunks on my date, fell off a cliff and cut my face open. That was July 9th and I had taken my last drink.

I woke up the next day and had a epiphany it was quit or die. I quit
this explains your title.

glad you made the right decision and are still with us. :thumb:

also, have never heard this story, but never felt it was my business to ask. I know a lot of people who are now sober that don't like discussing what led them to sobriety.