
360's are so evil

Lux Interior

Jun 18, 2005
So I've landed THREE 360's over a 12 foot double, but here I sit with a hip that looks like it was hit with a baseball bat. How can one trick bring such a glorious feeling with success and such brutal pain with failure? oh this isn't over. just you wait


Nov 9, 2005
Vancouver WA
That’s sick I wish I could do a 360 over a double I haven’t gotten myself to do one yet but hopefully soon. Any tips on practicing before getting to a double and trying one. I’ve been trying them over hips and table tops but noting to big yet.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 23, 2001
Boise, Idaho
sorry i was drunk as balls when i wrote that, but seriously thats how most people (including myself when i was learning) forget to do. once you have the basic motion down just put more of your shoulders and head into it and you will spin around just fine.

Lux Interior

Jun 18, 2005
I think my big problem is spotting a landing, spectators agree I pretty much land it, then go down. I did most of my practicing out of the bowl at the park. Then when I took it to the dirt, I stuck my very first one perfectly maybe thats why I'm so stoked on them. But I really could have done with out these two huge hippers. I'm trying to drink lots of alcohol to prevent blood clots. As soon as the swelling goes down I'll be back at it.


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
But like Dexter said, it isn't that hard, just pretend your trying to look at your rear axel. I tried to do a table in the middle of one, and it got me all confused in the air, and had me landing about 270 right on my left leg. Just 100% commentment.


Dec 2, 2005
bonney lake washington
well i went DJing today in hopes to try some 3's but the one jump i was most comfortable with trying one one was the lsat one in the line...i couldn't ever get set up for it just right so maybe i need to just start smaller. but yes i've done them perfectly on box jumps and have them down 95% and i know i can do them one a double that is pretty much the same size as the box jump but it's all about comitment!!!!


Dec 2, 2005
bonney lake washington
Lux Interior said:
I think my big problem is spotting a landing, spectators agree I pretty much land it, then go down. I did most of my practicing out of the bowl at the park. Then when I took it to the dirt, I stuck my very first one perfectly maybe thats why I'm so stoked on them. But I really could have done with out these two huge hippers. I'm trying to drink lots of alcohol to prevent blood clots. As soon as the swelling goes down I'll be back at it.
ya i had that same problem, and my friend told me to look under my armpit so you can spot your landing even sooner to prepare fot it!!! that helped me so much!