
38 Problems

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Dec 6, 2005
Without revealing too much

we were up at 38 last sunday and were confronted by 3 forest service rangers. They let us go because we were so polite, but they made it clear that they would be cracking down on the area. They were ready to write us all up with $270 tickets, and it didnt help that my friends tried to hide (cough cough tyler evan harry).

However, on the flip side the area has gotten really out of control. There are dirtbikers up there ripping it up and rednecks with their shotguns. Although us mountain bikers are doing something far less damaging, we still get lumped in with the mass of "violators".

I'm currently trying to get through to the people who make these "no biking" rules at 38, and once i get a contact, i will post it. I would like it if fellow monkeys could take the time to shoot away an email or call. Although I doubt anything will be accomplished, we need to continue to let our prescence known.

But I'm still going to be riding at 38, and I'll keep the $270 handy and with me at all times :cheers:

hope the trail fanatics dont get mad at me for this one


Dec 6, 2005
exactly. I didnt get the ticket but it was for riding the DH trails there.
They should be picking on the rednecks with the autos and the kids ripping up and down the fireroads with the ATV's and dirtbikes

yet somehow us bikers get lumped into the same catagory


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
I'm currently trying to get through to the people who make these "no biking" rules at 38, and once i get a contact, i will post it. I would like it if fellow monkeys could take the time to shoot away an email or call. Although I doubt anything will be accomplished, we need to continue to let our prescence known.
Good luck with that. Oh, and I think you already have said too much.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 22, 2004
I think that $270 that you feel is worth paying to ride there is better spent on getting "Juice" full time paying job at the BBTC so he can get the man to allow you to ride places like that for free. Carrying $270 with ya so you can ride is nuts......


Jan 23, 2006
in your mind
so you freeride sammamish kids should take this thread as sign for asking aboot trails that shouldnt be talked about on the public forums. if you are supposed to ride certain trails it wil happen but in the mean time you guys should shut up aboot other trails that are only here say because this is what happens when the whole world finds out aboot other peoples trails. it sucks for the people who take the time and energy to build and take care of the trails. sorry to be the jerk to say something but its just how it is. especially when someone pm's you about tallking about a certain trail in a thread last week and you act like a little punk a*@ b**ch to him for nicely saying something to you about it. with that attitude its no wonder you dont know about certain trails. nobody is going to want to take you to their trails with that lack of respect and thought aboot what you openly talk aboot. so here is some karma for ya kid your lucky you didnt get the $270 ticket i dont think your mommy and daddy would be happy aboot paying that.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 15, 2006
so you freeride sammamish kids should take this thread as sign for asking aboot trails that shouldnt be talked about on the public forums. if you are supposed to ride certain trails it wil happen but in the mean time you guys should shut up aboot other trails that are only here say because this is what happens when the whole world finds out aboot other peoples trails. it sucks for the people who take the time and energy to build and take care of the trails. sorry to be the jerk to say something but its just how it is. especially when someone pm's you about tallking about a certain trail in a thread last week and you act like a little punk a*@ b**ch to him for nicely saying something to you about it. with that attitude its no wonder you dont know about certain trails. nobody is going to want to take you to their trails with that lack of respect and thought aboot what you openly talk aboot. so here is some karma for ya kid your lucky you didnt get the $270 ticket i dont think your mommy and daddy would be happy aboot paying that.

don't acuse all of us for telling everyone our problems on here, its just 1 person who knows he shouldn't post about this trail but does anyway. talk to him directly and tell him to shutup, don't b**ch the rest of us out for the fact that 1 person posted about this trail.

I don't mean to sound like a jerk either, i'm just saying


Jun 21, 2005
bellevue, wa
watch out for rednecks with rifles.....saw one sitting almost at the trailhead with his pickup and his girlfriend popping of rounds with a BIG rifle...


Dec 6, 2005
jumping jesus, you need to check your attitude. First off, this trail has been discussed so much on these forums that it is not a secret anymore. Second, I have been working with the organizations and have done the majority of my community service at Collanade and Grand Ridge. I have a complete respect for the environment; everytime i ride a trail i make sure to leave it AS IT WAS.

the reason why I even made this thread was to let other riders that i RESPECT know that they are continuing to ticket for riding there. I don't want to see any of the other monkeys getting in the position that we did, besides you jumping jesus. Nowhere did I give directions to the trail, only the name of the trail.

yeah and the PM that that kid sent me was rediculous. It was obvious he didnt even read my post before shooting me an email.

I think you need to stop posting in anger, Jesus


Dec 6, 2005
wow. lets just close this thread. It crossed the line when Jumping Jesus starting sending me threatening PM's. Who is this lunatic anyways?

yeah and i quote from your sig
"Ride more bitch less !!!"

I couldn't agree more


Dec 6, 2005
hah. read my original post and then deceide whether the replies that you posted are justified. not that it really matters, but i'd like for you to learn something.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 7, 2005
I am certainly not advocating the public disclosure of 'the trails' whatever that may mean to you, but I have to applaude the motivation to try to get something done.

Lots of you guys have been through this many times before with very little success and much failure... Remember though, that most struggles that are worth fighting take lots of work and fail many times before having success.

I have to say that to me, it is absolutely amazing that the 13th largest metro area with 3.5 million people, that claims to wholley endorse the 'outdoor' life and all that it entails has litteraly NO legal places to ride off road bicycles. There are plenty of 'trails' that the county and city use to parade the 'bike friendly' nature of our area. In reality these 'trails' consist of old cracked and root infested asphalt mini-roads. Think of the areas that you USED to ride that are no longer there!!! (Read an older "kissing The Trail" for a refresher!)

I have meet many many DH friendly people in the last few years here in seattle. I am always dumbfounded by how many people that I know who ride DH and how and where I have met them. I know 40 year olds and 15 year olds. People from SST and from the shuttles at PA. Ex co-workers and customers. Co workers in my prior business that I had NO idea that they rode DH until I ran in to them on the hill.

In a way it reminds me the 6 degrees of seperation thing. It just seems that we all have our own seperate lives and worlds, that we are not organized enough to be considered a sub-community that should be listened to, or have a say the use of public lands.

If you are in doubt, think of the days in whistler that you ran into 'buddies' that yo have not seen since last time you were in Whistler, only to find out that you are virtual neighbors!

There are many more of 'us' than one would think, and this sport is growing, with more and more young kids getting involved every day. If somehow, all of the people that I personally have met or 'know of' or run into at Whistler every other weekend in the summers, would get together and focus a little energy in the same direction, we might just have a say in how OUR public land can and should be used.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Let me just make this really, really clear:

Threats are not allowed.

Got that? This is not a hard concept. If you need help with it, I will be happy to explain it further. If you think you need to threaten someone, remove yourself from this forum or I will do it for you.

If you are being threatened, report it to a moderator. If you have a problem with a post or a member, report it to a moderator, or just learn what the ignore feature is for.. Threatening PMs are never acceptable and will result in a ban.


Dec 6, 2005
dave i am totally with you
i have that old book, Kissing the Trail, and its kinda sad to flip through it and see how many good trails transformed into housing developments and shopping malls.

i can see how some people can develop a fatalistic attitude about our trails, but WE NEED TO TRY
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