
3rd Race, 3rd Place!


Nov 21, 2002
Pittsburgh, PA
I am just coming off of a 3rd place finish today in the XC race at Mickeys Mt, Hopedale OH. It was some cruel XC singletrack that mercilessly went uphill (rather up-"cliff" ;)) the entire time. Ever notice what goes up doesn't seem to come down half as much in races? haha.

I actually raced this place last September; it was the first race I entered ever (and my first year riding) and won it. That put the pressure on today! There were very few people there in my class (beginner, there were tons of expert/sport tho(?)), but I am psyched nontheless over getting 3rd in my 3rd race ever now! Scored a swell set of Tioga Terra Firma tires too.

This is a great course if you can ever make it; fast singletrack, sharp switchbacks, a few water crossings, bridges, & steep WALKS (I wish I could pedal all of it!) in seemingly everyones case.

Hope I am not coming off in the wrong way with posting results, I am just in a swell mood!:D

PS. the pic is the "grassy knoll" coming out of the wood to the finish


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
I'll glom onto your thread with my race recap.

It poured all day Saturday and at times the organizers were considering cancelling the race. The soil of the course was basically clay and when that gets soaked all it does is stick in gooey clumps to every part of your bike and makes it unrideable and unwalkable.

Race day arrives and the course is all changed up. It's short, relatively flat, and muddy as hell. There are 5 ladies in my category (Expert 19-29) and we take off. I'm first off the line and it's paved. I think the pavement lasts about 2 mile and I know I don't want to be letting them draft off me so I slow down and make one pass. She immediately sprints to try and drop me but I'm not having that. I accelerate and am on her back wheel as we suddenly turn off onto singletrack. i follow her for the next few miles and then she hops a curb and flats. I'm off. I turn the heat on and go into time trail mode until.....THE RIVER CROSSING!

The day before I had scoped this section out. It was about a 30' river crossing. On the right under all the water, I knew that there was a small hill and then a drop off. All the spectators are yelling, "Go to the left!" so I take a few power pedal strokes and completely blast through the river. I am submerged in water about to my top tube and my bike almost stops. I pedal like crazy and make it through. I am now completely soaked and the mud sections begin again. I have never ridden through so much mud. The entire trail is basically standing mud pits and I just blast on through. My tires are hooking up awesome and I laugh as I see people slipping and sliding everywhere.

To make it short, the rest of the race is a battle to see who can keep their bike working. My chain is completely gunked, you can't even see teeth on my chainrings and the derailleurs are completely clogged. I have to do one back peddle for every three forward pedals because I keep getting chain suck. I can't ride in anything but the small ring or the chain slips off.

I didn't necessarily ride hard, in fact, I barely even hit my lactate threshold, but I rode hard enough to win.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Originally posted by Echo
Ouch! Sounds like one of those races that makes us ask "why the hell do we do this?" :monkey:
I had to because it is part of the California State Series and while they take your best 6 placings out of 9 races, I only plan on doing 6 races. So, I will have nothing to drop.