
4:30am and pondering about those long lost friends...


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
here i sit, at the tail end of a busy night on 3rd shift. sitting in an icy parking lot, nothing going on in the city and so i begin perusing some old digi pics. i come across a few of those, "whatever happened to..." pics and get all nostalgic, one guy in particular has pretty much disapeared off the face of the earth.

it seems like a lifetime ago when i last saw most of these folks, most are military buddies and some have died in the war. what i'd give to hang with these boys again.

you :monkey:'s ever have those "whatever happened to..." moments? have you ever tracked down your old high school/college/military buds?

so here are the pics that got me all misty eyed and put fervor back into my search for these long lost pals....

jason squashing some random building while riding the tram in singapore

dave mckracken (given the nickname of "phil mckracken" :D ) during one of our weekly wrestling championships while deployed at sea

i wish i could remember the other guy's name....it's been so long but i'll never forget these two duking it out for the championship title. marines will do stupid things for nothing :thumb:

me, the pig...jason, the crazed hunter. yes, we had A LOT of spare time on our hands. i think we had been at sea for 40 days straight when this pic was taken, sometime around christmas.....i was the ham :D

crap, i can't remember his name either....but he was hawaiian and strong as a friggin ox. really funny guy, the kind you want with you in a bar fight

jason and i knocking on the santa's workshop door on ship. these are the tame pics...we did a lot of dumb stuff, probably why i miss hanging w/ him so much.

i know this is completely NBR, but was is bike related in the lounge anymore......i'm just bored and nostalgic and thought you guys would enjoy some stupid pics from the past. ;)


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
valve bouncer said:
The last one is an obvious photochop. You were never that skinny.;)
ha...but i still have pit stains :D

seriously though, i've concluded that i definitely wasn't finished growing back then. i'm 4" wider in the shoulders now than i was then and 2" taller.

i gained a lot of weight since then but i have stayed relatively in the same body fat range.....i just got thicker. i think i was 185-190 in that pic....am 225 now, down from 250 in october. back then i could bench about 90% of my bodyweight, now is 130%. ...and as of this morning, i'm almost back to my old 3 mile run time :thumb:
i guess i was always a late bloomer, people would call my house when i was a sophmore in HS and think that i was my mom:o: