
40lb post! DH/FR Rigs around the 40lb mark! tips, pics, specs


Turbo Monkey
Apr 12, 2007
You can do a crank mod on the XT M771 model,it has a longer spindle so the only thing to do from 68/73mm to 83mm is to get the spacer out and grind down the granny tabs.You also don't need to use the BB spacers.

The XT crank arm on the non drive side doesn't fall off since the spindle is now long enougth for 83mm BB.

Floor Tom

Sep 28, 2009
New Zealand
My new Legend. Scales said 39.1 but I'm not sure I believe them, it feels a bit more. Still I'm fairly happy with it.

Sorry, Attaching thr photos didn't seam to work very well so I up loaded them to my photo bucket account instead

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3 Dude Approved
Figured I'd done enough changes its like a new bike and a bit heavier now.
2010 Jedi XL
2010 boxxer wc with a avalanche cartridge
avalanche woodie with 450 ti spring and hi lo adjuster
i-9 wheelset and rims
Schwalbe muddy Marys
CANFIELD crampon pedals
Middleburn cranks
Thomson post
Sunline saddle
formula the one brakes 2010
deity. Blacklabel bars
Deity fantom dm stem
Tld grips
X-9 drivetrain
Kmc xsl ti chain
Mrp g2
Hopey steering damper
37.8 lbs now

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Turbo Monkey
Jun 13, 2007
You can do a crank mod on the XT M771 model,it has a longer spindle so the only thing to do from 68/73mm to 83mm is to get the spacer out and grind down the granny tabs.You also don't need to use the BB spacers.

The XT crank arm on the non drive side doesn't fall off since the spindle is now long enougth for 83mm BB.
Cool, mybe one day :)
But, grinding anything on a bike terrifies me, a bit ;)


Turbo Monkey
Apr 12, 2007
The grinding part is sketchy i should mention,it's because the use of a hacksaw you need to do the job.You need to be very carefull not to damage the spindle other wise you cut into the spindle(which is not a good idea).


3 Dude Approved
how does that thing work for you? how does it affect your riding, or when can you feel an advantage?
Hopey damper is a hydraulic damper, it locks it self in the steertube of the fork and under the top headset cup. When you tighten down the steering components it locks it all in place. The top dial that says hopey can be spun to the right increasing resistance on thenoil flow but only in 1 Direction. Say the bars pointing worward is the 12 o'clock position then when you turn right or left from there it has as much resistance as you dial in. When you return the bars there's a bleed port inside that allows the bars free movement back to the 12 o'clock position.
I usually leave it off till I hit some nasty stuff or a climb then I dial it in a bit and no worries it takes the jarring bars and Smooths it out as much as you like.
I DJ, drop, from, race, do lots of high speed tight single track rutted stuff etc and just a little resistance helps a huge amount.
I'm plenty big (not fat) so muscling the bike is no big deal but all in all the damper is worth it and allows focus on the trail and less fatigue especially on long days or multiple days (all day shuttling).

Its definently a huge help at times and slowing the slamming or jarring bars a bit helps especially with holding a line on a really nasty run.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 2, 2005
DC/Bluemont VA
Seems like I saw them on a lot of bikes a few years ago and they never caught on. No oem deals, and definitely a cost prohibitive experiment for your average rider. That said I'd love to give one a try.

demo 9

Turbo Monkey
Jan 31, 2007
north jersey
Call me crazy, i rode 1, i hated it, it was terrible, did nothing except slow down everything i tried to do, never noticed it helping except it did somewhat assist on whips


3 Dude Approved
Call me crazy, i rode 1, i hated it, it was terrible, did nothing except slow down everything i tried to do, never noticed it helping except it did somewhat assist on whips
yep it takes a it t oget used too for sure... Most people its all or nothing no minor adjustment and use it that way. I crank it up a fair bit in the really rough and its on a little normally, it helps alot.
If it was on too much it definently feels weird in alot of situations so use it a little and if your getting jackhammered on a shuttle run then a little more its designes to take the edge off and the snap.

It does help alot I know because my wrist locks up really bad from 160+ sparrow fractures, 2 compound fractures and 2 clean brakes up higher (drunk driver hit me at 70, broke back 2 places, both ankles ribs, skull etc.....)


Turbo Monkey
Dec 9, 2004
A, A
nice wilson although the weight seems a little high given the spec. You can build those really light. The purple and yellow looks great.


Jan 28, 2010
longueuil, QC
nice wilson although the weight seems a little high given the spec. You can build those really light. The purple and yellow looks great.
Thanks dude!

Yeah one of my friends is 37 lbs so...

but im not so light lol... 220lbs....

im waiting a set of deemax ultimate 2010:weee:

Oh and thanks guys for your comment:)!


Mar 15, 2004

Still some heavy hubs. Working on it.

Large V-10
Fox DH 40
Answer post mount stem
Atlas bars
Saint Crankset
Elixir R brakes
SDG I-Beam set

And more...
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I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
getting closer to that 40lbs!

42.25lbs with heavy saddle, wheels and tubes

'11 Revolt
'10 888 Evo Ti Works
CCDB w/ 450 Ti spring
Elixr/Code brakes
MTX on Hadley wheels
MRP Camber cranks
E13 SRS+
X9 der/X0 gripshift
PG970 12-26 cassette
Atomlab aircorp pedals


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
My revolt's 1.25 lbs heavier with little to no concern for weght savings. Thats to say its not that I dont have some light parts on, I just never once considered weight in the parts equation
i bought a gram scale so i was curious myself to see how much everything weighed.
my Diabilous cranks broke, so had to get new ones anyway, and the Camber cranks were 1/2lb lighter right off the bat. it was originally 44lbs, but shaving off the last few pounds did make a slight difference.