
45' Creek Gap, It's about to go off!

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Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
Zach Dank said:
that gap is sssssssick. I just wish i had the balls to hit it. :(
if you think a racer will hit that your kidding yourself. No racer will ever jump that gap. As for Gonzostrike, he has never hit anything bigger than a 10 foot gap, and that's for real. Oh yeah, he is also the biggest Josh Bender groupie to ever walkn the face of the intraweb. Hey Gonzo, what is the biggest gap you have ever hit? Be honest. I'll bet it's not 1/4 of the size as that picture of the river gap.
gonzo, please do not respond to this comment. this will only perpetuate the flaming war that this has become. prove yourself the better person and let this go.

Zach Dank

Turbo Monkey
Jun 28, 2005
biggins said:
gonzo, please do not respond to this comment. this will only perpetuate the flaming war that this has become. prove yourself the better person and let this go.
bla bla bla bla...

did you say something?
biggins said:
westcoasthucker, you bitch about everyone being uptight and elitist and you were the first one to start the whole flaming war on this thread....
you are deluded, go back and read the first couple of pages, this thread was always a flaming war from the start. i just gave people somebody to direct it to, otherwise they would still be trying to flame a jump......


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
Zach Dank said:
bla bla bla bla...

did you say something?
didnt you stay at my house?


you know what? i dont care if ya did. screw this thread and whiney lil bitch
e-thugs acting like they have something. all ya'll have is a big mouth and bad attitude and quite frankly i would appreciate it if you took yourselves and you friggin blabber mouths back to pinkbike or MTBR.com or where ever you came from.

a person tried to start a thread about a big cool gap.ya'll started a friggin flame war out of it.

as for west coast hucker dont deny that you started the flame war. i even quoted it. read the first page and tell me where the official flaming begins.

i'll tell you what i look forward to the day when i meet some of you big mouthed spoiled little suburban rich bitches that think they are all that.

go away all of you.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
i did a 75ft drop to 50ft step-up... this one time.... in band camp.


Zach Dank

Turbo Monkey
Jun 28, 2005
stoney98 said:
This topic is DEAD!
Zach- Don't respond.
WCH - Don't respond
Big's - Dont respond.

Kill the flame of the thread gets shut down. You know the rules abide by them.

The gap is way sick. I'de hit it for sure, and probably will. I ride with racers everyday. I have as much respect for sick racers, as sick racers have respect for me and my crew, wich seems to be alot in real life, not intraweb life. Ridemonkey is funny, and i'll always come here for a laugh. To say that a racer would hit it with more style than a freerider is just sillyness. You will only find this mentality on the monkey. I've had the pleasure of riding with some of the worlds greatest racers and freeriders. I don't mean watching them race by me. I mean sessioning large gaps and sick spots. I assure you that none of them share the same thinking that goes on with 80% of the people who frequent this websight. The panties get wadded up quick around here the minute someone mentions a gap, or drop. The same gaps and drops that your favorite superstar racer jonnys drool over when they get to hit them. I love riding with good racers, and i'll keep throwing it down with them on huge gaps on a regular basis. The racers that I ride with take chances at the drop of a dime, and will send it huge for the love of the bike.
Flame on Monkeys

Oh yeah, biggins, i don't know you from a hole in the wall. I've never stayed at your house, and if you think i'm a spoiled little suburban rich kid that you would love to meet, you got another thing commin. ;)


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
Ok...this is ridiculous.

Plain and simple, calling people out on the Internet is about as lame as it gets, and there's no place for it here.

If you want any kind of respect, post a pic of you actually accomplishing something, or shut up. Talk is cheap.

For the rest of you...if someone's being an annoying prick, ignore them, let me know, and I'll take care of it - I'm all about oppressing asshats. It doesn't help to fuel the fire.

PLAY NICE! :monkey:
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