
4th o July weekend Trail Riding


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Kettle Crest trail system.

Anyone interested in getting out of Dodge and breathing some fresh air is invited. This place (actually the whole area) has alot of camping. The area is super nice, mountainous, wooded, with some killer singletrack.

Sign up or just contact me and i'll get you dialed in. You don't have to be a member of the Seattle or Spokane club to go.





Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Skookum said:
Kettle Crest trail system.

Anyone interested in getting out of Dodge and breathing some fresh air is invited. This place (actually the whole area) has alot of camping. The area is super nice, mountainous, wooded, with some killer singletrack.

Sign up or just contact me and i'll get you dialed in. You don't have to be a member of the Seattle or Spokane club to go.




Holy rocks Batman! Kevin and I are in:) I might have to work that Saturday, but we'll be in for the other days for sure! We'll bring the camping gear:love:


Turbo Monkey
Mar 22, 2004
I'm going to try to be there. It's on the tail end of the SV trip but that's still iffy IMHO depending on snow levels.

Atomic Dog

doesn't have a custom title yet.
Oct 22, 2002
In the basement at Weekly World News
What exactly constitutes "social" and "moderate" pace?

I'd like to try and get up there for at least one of those days, but as always I worry that my slow butt :oink: wouldn't be able to keep up with the group.

I never ride with anybody but my wife, so I dunno if I'm slow or not.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Atomic Dog said:
What exactly constitutes "social" and "moderate" pace?

I'd like to try and get up there for at least one of those days, but as always I worry that my slow butt :oink: wouldn't be able to keep up with the group.

I never ride with anybody but my wife, so I dunno if I'm slow or not.
Personally when i lead rides my main aim is to have fun, and make sure everybody's get's out alive.

i've planned these rides out so they can accomodate people who like epics, people who like more descending and people inbetween. You have to be in shape to do these rides but you don't have to be in awesome shape (though you'll have more fun if you are).

The first 2 rides have shuttle options, and the last is a social pace, and i mean it. i'll be burnt out most likely and will be out for a full on sniffin the flowers ride.

i won't encourage anyone who hasn't ridden a bike a month prior to this event to come. This is high elevation the air is a tad thin, 5000 feet up on average. But i do have contingencies for people who are slow. My rides are "rides" not races, but when i lead i do allow the freedom for either the heart and lung people or the adrenaline junkies to shoot ahead of the pack, if ya dig....

Most of the time it works out, i'll encourage 2 way radio's, and i'll more than likely be in the slow pack on the climbs since i have 3 rides in a row and will be taking it easy myself. The trails for the most part are well marked, and with people from the FTTRC coming, i'm sure there will be others showing that know the trail, and perhaps separate groups may form.