
50/50 at tiger today


Sep 13, 2004
since i didnt have enough to make it to whistler this weekend i decided to ride tiger... i rode the iverson trail and it was perfect so i decided to huff it up to the preston trail even though my derailer wouldnt go into the lowest three gears in the rear... and then once i made it up to the preston trail it was perfect... bone dry up top and seemed pretty well groomed... i didnt make it to far past the rollercoaster part though before my chain broke (of all the things to go wrong) i wsa lucky it wsa on the top of the trail it would have sucked to have to walk the whole rest of the trail... although it did give me a chance to check out how well made the first part of the trail is (i wish it was like that the whole way down).... i hope everyone that went to whistler had a good time.... im gonna go get tiger back tomorrow or maybe tuesday... it owes me big time!!!


Turbo Monkey
Mar 22, 2004
Get yerself a chain tool and learn how to use it and you won't have to go back! :rolleyes:
The upper part of the PRT used to be the absolute worst! Like a cyclocross mud pit. We were all looking forward to the portion of the trail after it. Unfortunately, huffing that much 5/8ths minus 3 miles down the trail just isn't practical. Been trying to get 'em to do a heli-drop of smaller stuff for years.
Enjoy the last couple days odf dry weather before Tigger closes for the season.


Sep 13, 2004
ya ya i know i got my chain tool at home here... im that guy that always leaves the stuff he needs at home... oops? well i think my wheel needs to be retensioned anyway so it probably was a good thing i didnt hit the bumpy part of the trail... maybe Preston is just a victim of being to far away from the main trailhead? they seem to put tons of effort into the northwest timber trail? anyway politics arnt my business... i just need to get out there one more time before its closed and take advantage of this dry situation..


Turbo Monkey
Riding w/o a chain-tool??? I'm fighting urges to remove you from my MSN list.;)

Yes, Whistler was off the hook - if there could have been a better weekend, it would have involved several females and a hot-tub (we at least had the hot-tub). :evil:

Ya, I feel at least one more Tiger in me before "hunting season" is over - probably of the night-ride variety, methinks. It won't be today - I'll be lucky if I even hit SST at all today.

My shoulders and hands are S-O-R-E!!!:D


Jun 26, 2004
PNW woods
Hey alpentalic,
I'm up for riding tomorrow (tues), mid morning if you're going and want some company. I carry tools :) Almost forgot that tiger is closing very soon, I was thinking of victor before it closes, but there a whole month left there. Less time at tiger, so I'll hit tiger instead.


Turbo Monkey
radjockette said:
Hey alpentalic,
I'm up for riding tomorrow (tues), mid morning if you're going and want some company. I carry tools :) Almost forgot that tiger is closing very soon, I was thinking of victor before it closes, but there a whole month left there. Less time at tiger, so I'll hit tiger instead.
Hahaha - you seem to always get a rash when you say mid-morning. What's up w/ that??? :blah: