
5th Element bushings


Nov 26, 2003
I have an '03 Heckler-I have had to replace the shock bushings-no ****-10 times in two years. The shock does not appear to be ovalized, yet. I haven't done drops of >4 ft.and I weigh a mere 160 lbs. I've set the shock up at all of the required pressures and have the proper spring.

Any one else had this problem, or better yet, the solution?


Jun 29, 2004
sudhamike said:
I have an '03 Heckler-I have had to replace the shock bushings-no ****-10 times in two years. The shock does not appear to be ovalized, yet. I haven't done drops of >4 ft.and I weigh a mere 160 lbs. I've set the shock up at all of the required pressures and have the proper spring.

Any one else had this problem, or better yet, the solution?
  1. What are the diameter of your bolts? Be sure that the bolts fit snugly through the inner diameter of the bushing. Most likely, your bolts will either be 80 mm or 60 mm in diameter, with the latter being more common. I've had a bolt snap like a twig & bent the bushings when incorrect inner diameter was used. I learned the hard way since I didn't check it thorougly when I bought a used frame a couple of years ago. Ever since, the problem never resurfaced.
  2. When you install shock w/ bushings, do you get any side to side play? In other words, does the shock move parallel to the ground? That means your bushings are way too short. Use a caliper to measure the distance in the upper and lower shock inserts.
  3. Lastly, check the rear end for play (side to side action). If you have play, call SC ASAP to get the frame warrantied.

Hope this will help you find the solution. :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
how many times have you had to send in your shock for new seals or a bent shaft? Either you are replacing the bushings for the wrong reason or your frame has serious alignment problems, not having the correct spacers or right bolts could contribute too as explained by cali4nia.